Chapter 30

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When morning came, the cave was to be cleared out as the snow storm outside had given way to blazing heat and it bothered Reaper a ton as it also seemed to bother everyone else.

"Is Hyperion doing all of this or is something else doing this?" asked Rias as Ares was leading the column of fighters.

"Aye... Hyperion is slowly awakening and his power is causing fluctuations all over the world... let's hope we can stop him, however, before he finally begins to cook the planet..." said Ares as he looked back as he was only worried about one person in particular.

Reaper was the only one who wore all black armor and as he walked alongside of Fantasia, he occasionally took some blood and turned it into water for Fantasia to use to cool him down. Ares frowned as he saw Fantasia was holding not her Stinger, which was on her back, but a sword at the moment and as he watched her cool Reaper off again, he watched as Reaper soon take his helmet off in a whirlwind of blood as he put it back to his contained of blood on him as he heard him say, "Well, lets just hope these extremes soon stop because either I'll die from the exposure to heat or to freezing to death on some mountain side.."

"Agreed." said Vali as he had his usual school uniform on him at the moment as Irina walked alongside him. "I can't imagine how hot you must feel at the moment in all that armor."

"I think if I was to go into a snow storm, either the armor would break or it would keep me warm for about an hour... I'm burning up but I don't want to get caught off guard..."

"Besides.. if we're gonna fight in this heat, might as well get use to it..." said Reaper as he kept his eyes looking around.

Ares nodded as he gave a small smile at that, quite pleased that this boy at least understood a minimal thing about warfare. Rias and Issei both shook their heads as they walked with Asia and Akeno while behind them was Yuuto, Gasper, Koneko, and Rosseweisse. Kuroka walked alongside Bikou, Vali, and Irina as Reaper and Fantasia took up the rear. Azazel was walking with Ares and as he watched Reaper get another ball of water dumped into him, he asked Reaper, "How are you now boiling the water inside of the armor?"

"Heh, I'm turning it into blood and putting it back in my containers before it becomes too unbearable.. although I have to ask, where are we going?" said Reaper as he kept looking around.

"Down in the valley below is where our next meet-up is with some of the few remaining Gods.. if they still are alive, that is.." said Ares as they continued down the mountain.

The valley soon stretched down below them as they continued down and as Reaper looked down at it, he could see the Greek Gods and demigods slowly forming up below at what looked like a large camp and as they continued down to it from the mountain side. Reaper watched demigods in yellow and white armor slowly begin to appear from around the to meet up with a mixture of red, orange, and brown armor-wearing demigods and as Issei was surprised by them all, suddenly a familiar voice began to drift up into the ears of everyone in the group and Issei heard Sona sigh as she said, "I was hoping to not see her for a while...."

"Who is it?" asked Reaper.

"Serafall leviathan... Sona's sister..." said Yuuto from nearby.

"Oh... you have a sister?" asked Reaper as he looked at her.

"Unfortunately so..." said Sona as she sighed and adjusted her glasses.

"Oh... that must means he must have heard what happened to the city then." said Reaper.

"Actually... I think she was indisposed so I doubt she does..." said Azazel as they kept walking along.

As they began to go along the path that lead to the bottom of the valley, Reaper could see the Godly aura's of the Gods below and as he looked at Ares, he saw his godly aura soon becoming manifested as a red aura around him and it made Reaper feel his bloodlust slowly surfacing but he shook it off as Are's said, "Be prepared to feel a lot of this down there..."

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