Chapter 25

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The city was once again raining but this time, there was also lightning. It thundered in the sky and shook the ground occasionally and for the magicians all around the desecrated Church, they only had to worry about the rain pouring down on them in torrents that soaked through the garments they wore.

Meanwhile, the Old Devils, Ehtem, the Old Fallen that had came with Sarod, and Sarod herself all had to be grounded since the rainwater was making flying just about impossible and as Ehtem looked beneath his cloak all around the city, he was in a slightly foul mood because of the weather. As he looked at his Angels Bane, he watched the water slowly slide down its blade as he sighed. The lighting also meant any armor and weapon outside was likely to get hit by the frequent lightning all around the city.

He needed to kill something other than a mortal since he had already killed about two dozen of them to try and stave off his boredom. He wanted another chance to kill Reaper the DeviAngel, maybe even one of the others of his house.

Sarod walked over in her cloak as she looked at him and asked him, "This weather making you annoyed, too?"

"I wish the enemy would show up. At least then I could shake this boredom that hangs over me like these clouds." muttered Ehtem.

"Careful what you wish for... you may just get it." said Sarod as she looked around.

Ehtem sighed before he then said, "I've had enough of this! I say we go to Hell and attack the enemy there! With everything we have!"

Sarod looked at him before she slowly grinned and took off her robes to reveal a red dominatrix-style set of clothing over her sensual body and she took out a corrupted angelic halberd as she twirled it around in her hands and she gave a cruel smile as she said, "Then we better hurry and catch our train."

Ehtem nodded as he stood up and hefted his swords blade on his shoulder as he gave a cruel smile.

When Ehtem and Sarod appeared from their portal with their army of Old Devils, Old Fallen, and Magicians, they all looked around as Ehtem and Sarod were grinning like feral wolves and as they looked around, they soon sprouted their wings and took off into the air as the magicians began to run along the ground and the Old Devils and Fallen took flight as they prepared their halberds for combat. As Ehtem looked down around the garden they had appeared in and he smiled as he took from his pocket Albion and he grinned as he said, "This will be the last time we will ever need of you, Dragon Emperor."

The crystal glowed, Ehtem knowing that Albion heard him and knew that Albion understood what he meant as he grinned and placed the crystal back into the hilt of his Angels Bane sword as he then looked to Sarod and said, "You think they know we are here, yet?"

"If they don't know, they will soon." said Sarod as she cackled and the sped off towards the heart of the garden as she and her Old Fallen went to cause mayhem.

As Ehtem looked elsewhere, he saw the Grenmory Estates as he grinned and he flew towards it as the magicians and Old Devils went to attack the large structure as Ehtem didn't know it belonged to the House of Grenmory but knew it had to be important to the Devils here and as he went towards it, he would bring it down in a rain of fire and magic.

The sounds of magic being used soon was heard coming from the middle of the garden as Sarod began her chaos there and as he looked over, he watched as the garden slowly became engulfed in flames. The fire ranged from the normal ire color, to green fire that seemed insidious and maleficent.

Ehtem watched as the magicians began their attack and as he watched their beams set fire to some of the garden near the Grenmory estate, he smiled but he continued towards the huge structure as he was determined to destroy it.

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