Chapter 19

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Reaper escorted Kuroka as a gentleman should as they walked towards the church as it had been sufficiently restored to its former glory. lights shown in it as Devils, Fallen Angels, Norse Gods, and of course the Angels were all there in their fancy clothing and as the House of Grenmory approached the church, Azazel said ahead of them to a waiting figure, "Michael, a fine celebration you have here."

Michael smiled in his angelic armor as he said, "Ah... you have come... and I see there is some that I never thought to see with you.."

He held his hand out as Kuroka put her's in it and he lightly kissed it as a courtesy as he said, "Kuroka.. Devil of a deceased master... now a wanted criminal... what makes you come here under.. well.. non-combative reasons?"

"Oh.. a friend..." said Kuroka as she pulled her hand away and as everyone bowed, Irina appeared in a elegant gown as she said, "Xenovia! It's so good to see you!"

Xenovia smiled as she bowed in her black-blue dress and as the rest of them finally began to walk up the steps into the church, Reaper looked around one last time as Kuroka asked him, "You alright?"

Reaper, feeling a odd sensation in his stomach, ignored it as he said, "It's nothing... come on.." and then he continued to escort her into the church.

Inside, there was a number of Angelic guards near the windows to either side as the pews had been set aside to create a large space in the center of the room, Reaper sighed as he looked all around and said, "Tough to imagine a battle happened here..."

"Is that how they found you?" asked Kuroka as they followed after the Rias and the others.

"Fighting dozens of other strays, you bet..." said Reaper.

Kuroka gave a small, cute laugh as she then said, "Well.. either way, it doesn't look bad for a Angel base..."

And then the group stopped as Lucifer and Grafia appeared and as Lucifer looked at them, he smiled as he said, "Welcome.. to this grand event."

"We have a surprise for you." said Rias with a hint of a smile as she stepped aside to show Kuroka as Lucifer didn't smile nor frown as he said, "I'm assuming.. something happened?"

"Reaper went Torturer on her.." muttered Koneko as her tail and ears twitched underneath her small dress as Rias said, "So far, she has been kept in line by Reaper..."

"Well... he is turning out to be similar to Issei." said Lucifer with a smile as he bowed to Kuroka as he said, "Forgive me for my coldness but I never expected to ever meet you again... at least, not alive."

"Believe me, I would say the exact same thing, nya." said Kuroka as she gave a courtesy when Reaper then noticed that he felt something ominous in the air but he tried to ignore it as Grafia said, "Would you all please walk with us."

Rias nodded as the group followed her and Lucifer away from the large crowd of Angels, Fallen, and Devils in the center as they went towards the stairs that led up towards the second story. As they walked up, Lucifer then said, "Has everything been quiet for you all?"

"What do you mean?" asked Rias.

"I mean, has you fought anything in the past few weeks?"

No one said anything as Azazel then said to Lucifer, "You don't mean the Kaos Brigade is up to no good again, do you?"

Lucifer didn't answer as they came to a door and as they entered the second story, meant for the choir, he then said to them, "I do believe that, I'm afraid..."

"Well... you may have a point but the question is where will they attack?" asked Azazel.

"That is worrying but the truth is, something is not right." said Lucifer as he looked at Grafia and gave her a nod and she bowed as she summoned up her magic as she placed the magic circle in between the groups to summon up a map.

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