Chapter 3

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"GO! RUN!!!" Shouted the figure.

Asia suddenly bolted up right in her bed as she looked around in a cold sweat, the feeling having soaked herself and everything else she wore on. She looked around with wide eyes as she expected to see the figure but as she looked around, she realized it had been a bad dream.

She looked around as she realized that it was morning and as she slowly slipped out of the bed, she walked over to her closet as she went over to get dressed. She found her school uniform and as she stripped herself off of her night clothes, she slowly put on her school uniform as she went first with the blouse before she put on the shirt.

When she was done, she walked over to where her school bag was as she picked it up and then slung it over her shoulder as she then slowly walked out of the room as she began to walk her way downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.

And all the while, the memory of last night haunted her as she could only remember the blood and the screams of the Strays as the figure butchered them without mercy. What being out there could butcher anyone without so much as even a thought?

But then she reminded herself the figure had done it to save her and she was forever grateful for the figure to save her life. She only wished she could find the figure and thank them for what they did for her.

Issei watched as the House of Rias Grenmory slowly came together for breakfast and as he watched Asia and Xenovia walked into the room together, he noticed that Asia seemed a little bit shocked by something and as he watched her, he knew that something recently had happened that must have shocking to her.

Possibly even last night he figured.

He remembered her running through the door with her familiar unconscious in her arms and her eyes wide with terror and as they had taken the familiar to have it recuperate from its wounds, Issei had taken Asia upstairs to her room and had put her to bed before anything more happened to her shocked mind.

Now, she seemed to be a little less terrified since last night but she still seemed a little off today.

So as she sat down next to Xenovia and Koneko, he asked her from next to Rias, "You alright from last night, Asia?"

"I'm doing fine, Issei. Thank you for asking..." said Asia with a small smile as she began to eat her breakfast.

Issei watched her with eyes of concern and as se ate her breakfast, she hoped she would return to normal later this evening. There would be much to discuss this evening for them all.

Asia slowly walked along as with her school bag as she slowly approached the main school building with Issei at her side when she thought she saw someone sitting under a nearby tree, hidden away in the shade. He didn't wear the school uniform for the boys, merely wearing jeans and a dark hoodie. She dismissed the person, probably another student of the school, when suddenly she watched as a group of three boys began to shout at another boy nearby to the tree.

Now, normally she would have dismissed it as being an argument from something stupid but what caught and stole her attention was how the figure reacted from beneath the tree. He immediately snapped to his feet and walked over and she watched as he grabbed the shoulder of one of the boys.

"What?!" snapped the boy when the figure smashed a curled fist into the boy's face.

The boy reeled back in a wash of blood and as students looked over in shock and surprise, the figure grabbed the arm from one of the other boys and he wrenched the arm from its socket and the boy howled as he fell over in pain.

Then, the other boy still standing looked over and Asia was a little shocked as the boy pulled out a switchblade but the figure grabbed the incoming slice as he smashed his knee into the boys gut before flipping the boy over to land in the dirt.

Then, the figure helped up the kid the three had been bullying as he picked up the kids books and gave them over before slowly walking away and as Asia watched the figure, the last thing she saw the figure was him licking what looked like blood off of his hands.

"I wonder who that kid was..." Wondered Issei out loud and as Asia watched him, she couldn't agree any more than he could.

However, watching from a nearby window in the main building, Sona watched with distaste as the figure slipped away and she knew she would have to confront the figure at some point and put a stop to what he has done. He had already done this several times before, having gotten into over half a dozen fights and had put seven of her students into the infirmary and as she watched the person leave and then disappear, she also remembered what had been found last night.

A person had been killed by Strays, another group of them that roamed the streets but what they didn't expect was to find the remains of said Strays strewn around amongst barriers of red spikes and as she thought about this, she wondered if this person was responsible.

The night was quiet and his stomach rumbled as he looked around for something tom eat.

More like drink since he was a blood drinker.

He looked around as he wished he could have sucked that one boys blood form his body but he knew he had to stave off from that for now until he was in the most dire of situations.

So, with a very hungry stomach and a conflicted mind, he slowly walked along the streets as he hoped he would fins something for a food source. He was only very thankful that he hadn't attempted to drink the blood of the Strays that were roaming around, such creature being generally detested but he was an abomination that was below even them.

The, he heard a cough from nearby as he looked over from beneath the hoody he wore as he watched a figure come into a nearby street light and the figure took out a knife as he said to him, "Give me your money!"

He smiled as he said, "Not a chance." as he then held up a hand and beckoned the robber.

The robber charged him but then the robber watched as the figure suddenly appeared in black, sinister armor and he stopped in shock and fear as the figure suddenly dashed forward and reached him. The boy took a hand and gripped the mans arm with the knife as the helmet of the boy suddenly opened up a lower jaw part and all he saw were teeth like a vampires.

"What are you?" he asked the boy.

"A nightmare from Hell itself..." And then the boy tore the throat out of the man before greedily slurping up the blood from the ruptured neck as he filled his gullet with warm, frothy blood.

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