Chapter 6

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He had been thrown into the small room as chains had been linked from his wrists to the wall to keep him in place as a collar had been put around his neck.  He had been stripped of his weapons but he still had Khorne with him and as he silently sat in the darkness, wondering what was going to happen next, he asked Khorne, "Do you think they will kill us?"

"My  brother will have their heads on pikes if they so much as touch us... its been probably many years since we have seen one another.. or at least, the wielders we have..." said Khorne.

"But do you think we can trust these Fallen and Devils with our lives?" asked the boy.

"... Besides Issei.... we cannot take the rest of them lightly.... they will most certainly want us to die..." said Khorne as both soon returned to being quiet in the darkness.

Issei laid back on his bed as he thought about all that had happened today when he heard Ddraig say, "I am sorry, Issei....."

"For what?" Issei inquired.

"For controlling your body.... but you must understand... when they exterminated the Blood Drinkers and the Soul Knights... it made me cry because I thought I would never see my brother again..." said Ddraig.

Issei looked up to the ceiling  as he thought about this when he asked Ddraig, "If they try to kill the wielder of your brother... will you take over my body again to save him?"


Azazel looked out into the starry sky as he thought about the DevilAngel and what to do with him. He was obviously didn't know much and didn't seem to be much of a threat. If anything, he was very helpful, taking into consideration of him taking out Strays and leading them to their nest at the church.

But the Fallen angel was conflicted about what to do with him. It was him and Lucifer that had condemned the Blood Drinkers and Soul Knights for what they had done and had lead their forces in the extermination of the Angels and Devils. But know, somewhere in some dark room, was the creation of something that could only be described as being unnatural.

Of course, he reminded himself, having a Fallen/Devil, Holy-Devil sword, and other things along those lines in the House of Grenmory made it seem normal. So having a DevilAngel in the group probabaly wouldn't change much.

Azazel steepled his fingers. Feelings for DevilAngels was a mixed bag, with most being like how he was and condemning them for what they did. The Blood of the Lamb was something that everyone revered with respect and awe, even the Devils themselves, and so when it had even a sliver of it taken away, everyone had been in uproar.

But he also knew of some who thought that a DevilAngel was combining the best things of two worlds together. And when it came to combining Soul Knights and Blood Drinkers, most people thought that combining the two would create the ultimate berserker and the ultimate fighter to use.

He sighed.

"You seem tense... what is wrong, Lord Azazel?" asked a voice behind him.

Azazel smiled as he met eyes with the Devil King, Lucifer, as he said to him, "I have a dilemma that I don't think any of us could have foresaw coming..."

"Well, what could be so that bad that it troubles you?" asked Lucifer with mild amusement.

"We have a DevilAngel locked down below... and he is the bearer of the Blood Gear...." said Azazel as he back to look at the starry night.

Lucifer thought this through as he said, "What will you do?"

Azazel sighed as he said, "To be completely honest, I want to take him in to House Grenmory... use him to help combat the Kaos brigade...."

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