Chapter 20

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The feeling of something swaddling him up but his conscious was still swimming and he then fell back to sleep.


Reaper looked around the cold empty void as he saw no one.

"Reaper! Look at me!"

Reaper heard a whoosh! as he looked over and saw Khorne, in his black dragon form, as Khorne's eyes blazed with baleful light with his red orbs viewing down upon Reaper.

"Reaper!" he roared as the blast shook Reaper in the depthless void, "Wake up!"

Reaper slowly opened an eye as the feeling of rain on his body was noticeable. He turned his head slightly as he could see only black and white with everything but he knew it was morning and the skies were raining heavily on his body. He managed to slowly move his head up as he watched some individuals appear from nearby as they were searching around him and even if everything was black and white, he could still see the outlines of the bodies all around him, many being either Angel, Devil, or Fallen but some were Magician or Old Devil.

He watched one figure walk his way and as he tried to move, his left arm slowly slid across the mud as it was almost completely numb and then he raised it up as the figure, who looked up from another corpse, saw him and ran over as he heard voices but nothing clear as a group of the figures surrounded him and then he felt hands grasp him as one of them came close to his ear.

"Its okay, Reaper. Everything is going to be4 alright."

Issei watched from the Rias estates as the train appeared and as Xenovia, Rias, Asia, and Kuroka were all next to him, Azazel said, "They are back... fairly quickly..."

"I hope someone survived the attack..." said Asia as she looked at the train just as it stopped before them.

The first to come off was Reaper, born by four Fallen Angels as they watched blood slowly drip onto the ground and Asia ran over without needing to be told as he began to try and heal Reaper while Xeoniva said, "My goodness... he looks tore up.."

Reaper was scraped, bruised, battered, and cut up as his body had lumps and as one Angel poked a spike in his side, blood spilled out onto the ground as he said, "Internal bleeding, damn!"

Asia ran with them as Reaper was bore away and as one Fallen Angel bowed before Azazel, she said to him, "My lord... I... am afraid he was the only survivor..."

Azazel sighed as he looked down but then he said to the Fallen, "That is all... if anything arises, please contact me right away..."

"Yes, my lord." said the Fallen as she disappeared and as Azazel looked back at them, he said to them, "Let us... go make sure Reaper will be okay..."

Everyone nodded as they all followed him away as the train soon disappeared behind them just as they entered the estate.

It wasn't hard to find where Reaper went, considering there was obvious trail of blood leading up the nearby stairway and as the group followed it, Rias said to Xenovia, "Tell the others Reaper is back with us."

"Yes, Rias." said Xenovia as she walked away to alert the others.

Kuroka followed Rias and Issei as Issei said, "Do you even think he'll survive?"

"He is a DevilAngel and has gone through far worse than what happened two days ago." said Rias.

"Should.. are you gonna sleep with him to help him recover?" asked Issei as he looked at her.

"I may have to... as much as I wish to sleep with you, if Reaper is to maybe survive, I may have to..." said Rias as she sighed just as they reached the floor and as they walked along the hall, Kuroka then asked, "What should I do?"

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