Chapter 22

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Asia was waiting for the train with Rias and Akeno as the train came to a stop before the Grenmory Estates and as everyone was quick to pile out, Sona was the first to be healed by Asia as she was still in Azazels arms as they ran towards the estates as Kuroka ran with Saji and Tsubaki in her arms after Azazel, Issei and Reaper slowly got off the train with the Devil soldiers and Lucifer as Reaper rubbed his shoulder as it was sore from his sword breaking, which caused a whip-lash through his muscles and tendons which was currently an unpleasant feeling.

But now with Sona safely back in their care, it made the pain just a little more bearable.

"So, what now since we got the Leviathans?" asked Issei as he looked to Lucifer, who walked alongside the two boys.

"We help them recover. No doubt Sona will be needing much help from the looks of her." said Lucifer.

Reaper and Issei nodded when Lucifer said, "Why don't you two take some time to recover."

Issei and Reaper both looked at one another before they nodded and as the two boys walked away from Lucifer, Issei said to Reaper, "Sorry about your blade."

"It's fine. I'll get a new one or something. And I still do have my gunlance." said Reaper as he shrugged.

They were walking slowly to the manor when suddenly Rias and Akeno approached the two boys.

"Oh boy..." said Issei to Reaper in a murmur as the two stopped just as Rias and Akeno reached them.

"Recklessly endangering your life, the life of others, and causing me to worry means you both get punished for this." said Rias as she looked at them with a steely gaze. Akeno was grinning as she licked her lips suddenly and put a finger to her cheeks.

"Oh boy, "muttered Reaper as he rubbed the back of his head with his good arm before he asked, "And what will that be? More spankings?"

"No, even better... Akeno, you have Issei. Treat him well." said Rias as she began to walk to Reaper.

"Oh-" began Reaper when suddenly Rias hooked him in her arms as she began to drag him away and both boys resisted but it was no use as Akeno sprouted her wings and took off from the ground as she gave a small laugh.

Rias continued to drag Reaper along as it wasn't long before they entered the manor and as they went by the swinging doors, Grendel was waiting their with Xenovia when Grendel asked Reaper, "I assume all went well in your mission, master?"

"Until now, " Reaper managed to say as he continued to struggle against Rias's grip, " it all went well and the House of Leviathan is now back here."

"Please make sure they are well kept for, Grendel! I leave them in your hands!" said Reaper one last time before he was dragged away upstairs.

As Reaper lowly went up the bumpy stairs, Rias kept her tight grip on him as she kept dragging him up and then as she came to the next level, she brought up Reaper as she looked around for only a moment and then she began to drag him towards her room.

And as soon as she entered her room, she threw in Reaper and was quick to close the door as she looked at Reaper and crossed her arms.

"Sit on the bed, now." Rias said.

Reaper could only obey as she watched him sit on the edge of her bed and then she jogged and then jumped and tackled him down and he gave a grunt as she hugged him close before she asked, "How bad was it there?"

Reaper looked at her and then gave her a weird look as he said, "You just went from 100 to 0... and you lost me?"

"I know better than to just try anything with you, Reaper. Xenovia and Kuroka can do that better. But what I want to know is what happened there while you were around." said Rias as she snuggled close to him.

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