♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Under the Weather ♥♥♥

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Inside the Davenport Tower, Chase Davenport is focused on his laptop, typing away diligently. Bree enters, carrying shopping bags.

Bree: Hey, Chase.

Chase: (Looking up) Hey, Bree. Have you seen Diana today?

Bree: (Frowning) Seriously, Chase? You haven't noticed she's been MIA all day?

Chase: (Concerned) What? No, I didn't realize. Is she okay?

Bree: (Sighing) She's sick. Been up in her room all day.

Chase: (Immediately getting up) What? Why didn't anyone tell me?

Chase rushes out of the room and up the stairs to Diana's room. He finds her sitting on her bed, looking miserable.

Chase: Diana, are you alright?

Diana: (Sniffling) Chase... I feel terrible.

Chase: (Sitting beside her) I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Is there anything I can do?

Diana looks up at him with teary eyes.

Diana: (Weakly) Chase, I... I love you.

Without hesitation, Chase leans in to kiss her, but Diana pushes him back gently.

Diana: No, Chase. I'm sick. You'll get sick too.

Chase: (Smiling softly) Diana, I don't get sick.

He leans in again, pressing his lips against hers gently. Diana hesitates for a moment before melting into the kiss, forgetting her sickness momentarily as she wraps her arms around him.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now