♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Bonds Beyond Training ♥♥♥

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~*~ In The Mentor Area on the Bionic Island ~*~

Chase is sitting on the sofa, a cloth pressed to his bleeding nose. Diana is seated on the coffee table in front of him, looking distressed. Bree, Adam, and Leo enter the room, noticing the scene.

Bree: Whoa, what happened here?

Chase: (grimacing) Just a little... training mishap.

Leo: Mishap? Looks like someone hit you with a wrecking ball.

Adam: That's gonna leave a mark.

Diana: (sighs) It was me. I didn't see him coming. I was sparring with my peers, and... I kicked Chase in the face.

Bree: Diana, are you okay?

Diana: I'm fine. But I don't think I can train anymore. I'm sorry, Chase.

Chase: (smiling softly) Hey, it's okay. Accidents happen. But if you're up for it, I'd like you to join my group.

Diana: (confused) But why? After what I did?

Chase: Because I think I can help you overcome this fear. You can assist me until you're ready to fight again.

Diana's eyes well up with tears as she moves to sit in Chase's lap, showering him with grateful kisses on the cheek.

Bree: (surprised) Whoa, Diana, I had no idea you were this scared.

Adam: Yeah, you seem like the bravest one here most of the time.

Chase: Fear doesn't discriminate, guys. But we can help each other through it.

Chase hugs Diana gently, stroking her hair as she continues to sob softly.

Bree: Diana, I can help you too. I'm your mentor, remember?

Chase: Bree, Diana needs to step away from combat training for a while. She needs a different kind of guidance.

Bree: But...

Chase: (interrupting) How about this, Bree? I'll take over as Diana's mentor for now. She owes me, and I know she wants to make it up to me.

Bree hesitates, then nods in agreement.

Bree: Okay, Chase. If that's what Diana needs, then I trust you to help her.

Chase smiles, holding Diana a little tighter as they settle into their new mentor-student dynamic.

Adam: Well, if anyone can help Diana conquer her fears, it's Chase.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now