♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Designed for You ♥♥♥

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Douglas enters Mission Command, finding Chase staring out at the holographic displays, his expression conflicted.

Douglas: Chase, we need to talk.

Chase: (turning towards Douglas) What is it, Douglas?

Douglas: (sighs) It's about Diana. I ran into her earlier.

Chase: Diana? What happened?

Douglas: She seems upset, Chase. She mentioned you haven't really spoken to her much since she joined. She thinks you hate her.

Chase: (confused) Hate her? Why would she think that?

Douglas: (pauses, choosing his words carefully) Because she was designed for you.

Chase: (shocked) What do you mean, designed for me?

Douglas: When I was still working with Krane, I knew how tough it was for you—being young, brilliant, but always overshadowed. So, I created Diana. A companion, someone who would understand you like no one else could.

Chase: (takes a moment to process) You... created her for me?

Douglas: Yes. She's more than just a teammate, Chase. She was meant to be your partner, someone who wouldn't let you feel lonely or heartbroken.

Chase: (stands up abruptly) Where is she now?

Douglas: (gestures towards the balcony) She's out there with Bree and Skylar.

Chase doesn't wait another moment. He dashes for the hyperlift, leaving Douglas behind.

~*~ Outside on the Balcony ~*~

Diana stands with Bree and Skylar, watching the cityscape. She looks contemplative, lost in her thoughts.

Diana: (softly to herself) Maybe I'm just not cut out for this team.

Suddenly, Chase bursts onto the balcony. Diana turns to him, surprised.

Chase: (breathless) Diana!

Before Diana can react, Chase is already in front of her, his arms around her waist, lifting her up. Diana's arms instinctively wrap around his neck.

Diana: Chase, what are you—?

Chase cuts her off with a series of quick kisses on her cheek, causing Diana to blush and giggle.

Chase: (whispers) I'm sorry I haven't talked to you much. I didn't realize...

Diana: (smiling) It's okay. I thought you hated me.

Chase: (shakes his head) Never. I... I just didn't know what to say.

Diana: (teasing) For a genius, you're not very good with words.

Chase: (playfully) Hey, it's not easy being this brilliant and this... (glances at Diana) distracted by someone as beautiful and intelligent as you.

Diana: (laughs softly) Smooth recovery.

Chase: (grinning) I aim to impress.

Bree watches her brother with a mix of surprise and amusement. Kaz approaches tentatively, trying to catch Diana's attention. Oliver, nearby, attempts to impress Skylar with some gadget.

Bree: (to herself) Looks like Chase finally found someone to geek out with.

Kaz: (trying to flirt) Hey, Diana, have you seen the new upgrades in my hoverboard?

Chase tightens his hold on Diana, who leans into him, whispering something in his ear. Chase blushes deeply and then lifts her up bridal style, making her laugh.

Douglas: (arriving on the balcony) Ah, there you all are.

Bree: (pouting) Douglas, why didn't you create a guy for me?

Douglas: (grins) Oh, come on, Bree. There are plenty of options at the academy. Diana, on the other hand, is one of a kind.

Chase: (smiling at Diana) And she's the only one I want.

Diana: (giggles) You're such a dork.

Chase: (smirking) A dork who can sweep you off your feet.

Diana: (leans closer) I wouldn't have it any other way.

As laughter fills the balcony, Chase and Diana share a moment, finally feeling understood and appreciated in a way they had always longed for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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