♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: The Sleeping Spell ♥♥♥

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Chase Davenport, the smartest guy in the world, is tinkering with some high-tech gadgets in the lab. Diana, one of the members of the Elite Force, watches him from a distance, clearly smitten with him. She's been trying to work up the courage to talk to him about her feelings.

DIANA: (whispering to herself) Come on, Diana, you can do this. Just tell him how you feel.

Chase overhears her and looks up, a curious expression on his face.

CHASE: (raising an eyebrow) Tell who how you feel?

DIANA: (blushing) Oh, um, no one. Never mind.

Chase returns to his work, and Diana sighs in frustration. She hears Chase talking to Kaz in the next room.

CHASE: (to Kaz) You know, sometimes, I feel really lonely, Kaz. It's hard being the smartest guy in the world. I wish I had someone who understood me.

Diana's heart sinks as she listens to Chase's words. She realizes that he's building an android girlfriend because of his loneliness.

Later, the Elite Force is called into action to battle a powerful villain. During the fight, Diana gets hit by the villain's energy blast and falls unconscious. When the battle is over, Skylar and Bree rush to Diana's side.

SKYLAR: (worried) Diana, wake up! Come on, we need you.

BREE: (frantic) This can't be happening.

Kaz and Oliver join the group, concern etched on their faces. Chase stands nearby, his expression a mix of fear and regret.

CHASE: (panicking) I should have protected her. This is all my fault.

Bree notices the sadness in Chase's eyes and puts two and two together.

BREE: (softly) Chase, I think Diana...she might be under some sort of curse.

SKYLAR: (nodding) Yeah, it's like Sleeping Beauty. Only true love's kiss can wake her.

Chase's eyes widen as he realizes what this means. He kneels down next to Diana, takes her hand, and speaks with sincerity.

CHASE: (whispering) Diana, I...I care about you more than you know. Please, wake up. We need you.

Tears well up in Chase's eyes as he leans down and gently kisses Diana on the lips. In that moment, a soft, golden light surrounds them, and Diana stirs, her eyes fluttering open.

DIANA: (smiling weakly) Chase...?

CHASE: (relieved) Diana, you're awake!

The rest of the team watches in amazement as Diana and Chase share a heartfelt moment. Diana's curse has been broken by an act of true love, and in that moment, she realizes that her feelings for Chase are reciprocated.

As the team gathers around them, it's clear that this experience has brought them all closer together, and they head back to the lab, ready to face whatever challenges come their way as a stronger and more united team.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now