♥♥♥ Shane X Diana: Electrifying Affection ♥♥♥

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The room buzzes with activity as bionic students train, and the mentors – Chase, Bree, Adam, and Leo – observe and guide them. Mr. Davenport, looking excited, enters the room with a confident stride. Following closely behind is a young woman, Diana, who seems both curious and slightly nervous. Chase and Leo exchange a look of awe.

Chase: (whispering to Leo) Can you believe it? That's Diana!

Leo: (whispering back) I know! Her work on the quantum stabilizer was legendary!

Mr. Davenport: (raising his voice) Everyone, I'd like you to meet Diana. She's going to be working with us on a new invention.

The mentors and students gather around, exchanging curious glances. Douglas steps forward with a mischievous grin.

Douglas: And I've got a little welcoming gift for you, Diana.

Diana raises an eyebrow, intrigued. Douglas presses a button on a remote, and the door at the side of the room slides open. Out steps Shane, an android who looks strikingly similar to Chase. Diana gasps, her eyes widening in shock and recognition.

Diana: (whispering) Shane...

Shane approaches with a smirk, his eyes locking onto Diana. When he speaks, his tone is teasing and challenging.

Shane: So, Diana, still chasing those old dreams of yours?

Diana: (narrowing her eyes) You know I've never been a fan of your lectures, Shane.

Without warning, Diana launches herself at Shane, and they break into a hand-to-hand combat sequence that leaves everyone watching in awe. Their moves are fluid and synchronized, showcasing techniques Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo have never seen before.

Bree: (whispering to Adam) Where did she learn to fight like that?

Adam: (whispering back) Beats me, but it's awesome!

The combat ends with Shane wrapping an arm around Diana's waist, holding her close. He looks into her eyes, a mix of triumph and surprise.

Shane: You've gotten better.

Diana: (breathless) And you're still just as stubborn. I wanted to rebuild you after Mr. Davenport had my father shut you down.

Shane's expression shifts from playful to serious as he glances over at Douglas, who is now arguing with Mr. Davenport.

Douglas: (defensively) Shane was built 13 years before your kids were born, Donald! You had no right to make her father shut him down just because he looked like Chase!

Douglas pulls out a contract, waving it in front of Mr. Davenport.

Douglas: It's all here. I had the right to pick her welcoming gift.

Shane's grip on Diana tightens as realization dawns on him. He looks back at her, his eyes softening.

Shane: So that's why you never wanted to let me go. (He turns his gaze to Mr. Davenport, anger simmering.) How could you be so selfish to separate us?

Shane kisses Diana's cheek tenderly, then lifts her into his arms bridal style. Diana wraps her arms around his neck, smiling.

Diana: Shane, I'm not letting anyone touch you again.

Leo steps forward, trying to muster his charm.

Leo: So, Diana, how about a tour of the academy later? Maybe dinner?

Chase nudges Leo, shaking his head.

Chase: (softly) I don't think that's a good idea, Leo.

Shane shoots Leo a warning look, making it clear Diana is off-limits. Diana chuckles softly, looking around at the team.

Diana: I think I'm going to like it here.


Diana and Mr. Davenport work diligently on their project, with Shane assisting Diana while keeping a safe distance from any electrical or water hazards. Leo, unable to contain his curiosity, speaks up.

Leo: So, how is Shane so smart?

Douglas, who has been observing from a distance, chimes in with a smirk.

Douglas: That's a surprise to everyone, including me. Shane was initially designed by Diana's father as a bodyguard, but he evolved his own personality over time.

Shane nods, a playful glint in his eyes.

Shane: Yeah, turns out I was always a natural at giving lectures because Diana never really cared much for robotics in the first place. She's got plenty of other talents.

Diana rolls her eyes, but there's a fondness in her expression.

Diana: And here I thought you were just being annoying.

Shane flashes her a charming grin.

Shane: Annoyingly handsome, maybe?

Diana laughs, teasing him about being more muscular than she remembers. Shane's expression turns thoughtful.

Shane: So, Diana, how about that date?

Diana raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips as she hands him a list of things to order.

Diana: Sure, but you'll have to handle the logistics. Here's a list of supplies we need for the lab, including some art supplies. Looks like I'm finally starting to listen to your lectures.

Shane's eyes widen in surprise, then soften with affection. Before he can respond, Diana leans in and kisses him. He kisses her back eagerly, a sense of excitement filling the room.

Shane: You have no idea how happy that makes me.

With a burst of excitement, Shane flips around the room, reveling in the moment. However, his joy is cut short when he hears Diana gasp.

Diana: Shane, watch out!

He flips over a water pool on the floor, causing Diana to rush over and hug him tightly, not caring about leaving lipstick marks on his cheek. They hold each other close, using affectionate nicknames.

Diana: You're such a daredevil.

Shane: And you're my favorite risk.

Meanwhile, Douglas and Mr. Davenport argue about the water hazard.

Douglas: Donald, we need someone to mop that up!

Mr. Davenport: (exasperated) Douglas, I thought you said Shane was waterproofed!

Douglas: He is, but he's not bruise-proof!

As the two continue to bicker, Shane and Diana share a knowing glance, silently grateful for each other's presence.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now