♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana Quantum: The Time Defender's Guardian ♥♥♥

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~*~ Bionic Island - Bionic Academy Courtyard ~*~

The Bionic Academy is bustling with activity as students demonstrate their abilities. Mr. Davenport, Chase, Adam, Bree, and Leo are gathered near the podium where the President is giving a speech. Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerges from the crowd, aiming a weapon at the President's back.

President: calmly "It's an honor to be here today and witness the future of our nation's defense."

Mr. Davenport: whispering to Chase "Keep an eye on the crowd, Chase. Something feels off."

Chase's eyes scan the crowd, honing in on the figure just as he raises his weapon. Before Chase can react, a girl with intense determination leaps from the crowd, intercepting the attack.

Diana: deflecting the blow with a powerful kick "Not on my watch!"

The attacker staggers back, stunned. Diana moves with precision and grace, engaging the villain in a fierce hand-to-hand combat. As the fight intensifies, the attacker gains the upper hand momentarily.

Villain: "You're just a child! You can't stop me!"

As the villain raises his staff to strike, a glowing laser bo staff appears inches from Diana's neck, blocking the attack. Chase, with a confident smirk, pushes the villain back.

Chase: "Guess again, buddy."

Diana's eyes light up with recognition and relief. She jumps into Chase's arms, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek several times, leaving lipstick marks.

Diana: "Suspense! You're here! You always know when to show up."

Mr. Davenport watches, bewildered, noticing the shift in Chase's demeanor. He stands with a confident air, a mix of his commando app Spike and his usual bionic self.

Mr. Davenport: "Chase? What's going on here?"

The President steps forward, a knowing smile on his face.

President: "Allow me to explain. This is Diana Quantum, Alfa Commander of the first-ever time defender unit. She and her team protect our timeline. Chase, or as she calls him, Suspense, is her right-hand man."

Chase: still holding Diana protectively "I'm always here for her. She's my prime concern."

The villain is subdued and taken away by security. Chase picks Diana up bridal style, kissing her temple.

Diana: smiling despite the situation "I've been sore all day, you know."

Chase: "Then let's get you somewhere to rest."

Adam, Bree, and Leo step forward, confused but curious.

Adam: "Whoa, Chase! Since when did you become a time defender?"

Bree: "And Suspense? Really?"

Leo: "We need answers, like now."

Chase: glancing at his siblings, but his focus remaining on Diana "I'll explain everything, but first, Diana needs to recover."

Mr. Davenport: nodding, still processing the revelation "Alright, let's get you both inside. Then we'll have a proper debriefing."

As they walk inside, Chase maintains his protective hold on Diana, whispering softly to her.

Chase: "I promised I'd always be here for you, Diana. And I'm keeping that promise."

Diana: smiling up at him "And I'm glad you remembered."

The group enters the building, leaving the chaos behind. The President looks on, satisfied that the future is in good hands.

President: to himself "The future indeed looks bright with them protecting it."

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now