♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Unveiling Affections ♥♥♥

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Chase Davenport was deeply engrossed in his latest invention when Diana, one of his team members, approached him in Mission Command.

Diana: "Hey Chase, how long are you going to be buried in this project?"

Chase: *looks up, slightly surprised* "Um, I'm not sure, why?"

Diana: *leans in and kisses him softly* "Just wanted your attention on something other than your gadgets for a moment."

Chase: *taken aback, but intrigued* "Oh, I see..."

Diana then reveals her own university project, impressing Chase with her intelligence and ingenuity.

Chase: *impressed* "Wow, I didn't realize how brilliant you are."

Diana: *smiling* "Well, you didn't ask."

Chase: *chuckles* "Fair point."

Diana: "You don't have to help me if you don't want to, Chase. I just wanted some company."

Chase: *softly* "I'd love to help. And keep you company, of course."

Diana: *leaning in to kiss him again* "I love you, Chase. And I hope you could love me too."

Chase: *returning the kiss* "I think I already do."

Chase picks her up and sits her on his desk, and they share a passionate hour of kissing until they're interrupted by Douglas, Mr. Davenport's brother and Chase's real father, who walks in unexpectedly.

Douglas: *surprised* "Well, well, well. Looks like my smartest creation has attracted quite the admirer."

Chase: *setting Diana down, blushing* "D-Douglas..."

Douglas: *smirking* "Don't worry, son. Your secret's safe with me."

Chase: *smiling, but slightly embarrassed* "Thanks, Douglas."

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now