♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Unseen Bonds ♥♥♥

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The living room of Davenport Tower is brightly lit, filled with futuristic furniture and gadgets. Chase is sitting on the sofa, with a plate of healthy snacks on his lap. Reese, who has recently joined the team, is sitting close to him, her eyes adoringly fixed on Chase. Skylar, Bree, Kaz, and Oliver are nearby, all with a mix of confusion and amusement on their faces as they observe Reese's obvious crush on Chase. Suddenly, the elevator door opens, and Diana steps out, wearing workout clothes and headphones. Her presence catches everyone's attention.

Diana: (making her way to the mini-fridge) ignores everyone at first, focusing on getting a bottle of water.

Skylar: (whispers to Bree) Do you see what I'm seeing?

Bree: (whispers back) Oh yeah. This is gonna be interesting.

Kaz: (muttering to Oliver) Chase is acting so weird around Reese.

Oliver: (nodding) Yeah, but look at Diana. She's... wow.

Chase, noticing Diana, gets up from the sofa, his eyes wide and breath caught in his throat. He blinks a few times and accidentally drops the plate of healthy foods on the floor.

Chase: (flustered) Uh, hey Diana...

Diana pulls out her earphones, her eyes landing on Reese, who immediately looks nervous.

Diana: (sternly, to Reese) What are you doing here?

Reese: (standing up, stammering) I, um, just wanted to...

Before Reese can finish, Diana's anger flares up. She raises her hand, and with a swift motion, Reese is sent flying against the windows, hitting them with a loud thud. The team gasps in shock.

Diana: (furious) I warned you many times not to come on my turf!

Diana steps forward, her eyes blazing with anger.

Diana: (pointing at Reese) And trying to mess with Chase's feelings? That's a new low, even for you.

Chase: (moving quickly, wrapping his arms around Diana's waist from behind) Diana, calm down. What's going on?

Diana: (still angry, but slightly softened by Chase's touch) She's a shapeshifter, Chase. Reese is Roman and Riker's sister.

The room falls silent as the revelation sinks in. Reese struggles to stand, looking desperately at Chase.

Reese: (pleading) Chase, you don't believe her, do you? I care about you!

Chase: (tightening his grip on Diana, resolute) No, Reese. I trust Diana. You need to leave.

Reese's face falls, and she glares at Diana one last time before storming out of the room. The team, still in shock, watches her go. Chase turns Diana around to face him, his expression soft and concerned.

Chase: (gently) Are you okay?

Diana: (sighs, her anger fading) I am now. Just... glad you believed me.

Skylar, Bree, Kaz, and Oliver exchange looks, their jaws still dropped at the intensity of the scene they just witnessed.

Skylar: (breaking the silence) Well, that was unexpected.

Bree: (nodding) Definitely didn't see that coming.

Kaz: (smirking) Nice move, Chase.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now