♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: How the Nerd Got the Girl ♥♥♥

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Chase Davenport strides through the bustling hallway of Mission Creek High, making his way to his step-brother Leo's locker. Leo stands there, nervously glancing towards the group of cheerleaders down the hall, particularly at the new girl, Diana.

Chase: (smirking) Hey, Leo. You've been staring at that cheerleader for ten minutes. What's up?

Leo: (fidgeting) Uh, yeah. That's Diana. She's new here and... well, she's really nice. I normally wouldn't go for a cheerleader, but she's different. Friendly.

Chase: (raising an eyebrow) Different, huh? Alright, I'll go talk to her. Maybe I can help.

Chase walks over to Diana's locker, where she's organizing her books. He smiles as he approaches.

Chase: Hey, Diana. Long time no see.

Diana: (looking up, surprised and then smiling widely) Chase Davenport! I can't believe it! How have you been?

They start chatting, reminiscing about old times, laughing and gossiping. The conversation extends far longer than Chase had intended. Meanwhile, Bree spots them from across the hall and approaches Leo.

Bree: (curious) What's going on? Why is Chase chatting with a cheerleader?

Leo: (excited) That's Diana. I like her, but Chase got there first. They're hitting it off.

Bree's eyes widen in realization before she starts to squeal and jumps over to hug Diana.

Bree: Diana! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you!

Diana: (hugging Bree back) Bree! This is such a surprise!

Leo: (confused) Wait, you two know each other?

Bree: (laughing) Of course! Diana is an old friend, and Mr. Davenport is her godfather. We've seen some really crazy stuff together in her dad's underground lab.

Leo looks stunned but then decides to make his move. He approaches Diana with a confident smile.

Leo: Hey, Diana. So, how about we—

Before Leo can finish, Chase pulls Diana into his arms, and Diana hugs his waist, pressing her lips to his cheek. Leo's face falls, and he looks disappointed.

Chase: (firmly) Sorry, Leo, but this is one girl I'm very protective of.

Diana: (teasingly) And I love every minute of it.

Bree, standing next to them, leans in to whisper to Diana, fully aware that Chase can hear every word.

Bree: (whispering) I knew you had a thing for Chase. And by the way, you left lipstick on his face.

Diana: (laughing and louder) Perfect! Now everyone knows he's off-limits.

Chase: (grinning, kissing her cheek) Thanks for that, Diana. Now let's see your schedule.

Chase takes Diana's schedule and looks pleased.

Chase: Looks like we have all our classes together. This is going to be fun.

Just then, Adam comes over, towering over everyone as usual. Leo immediately complains to him.

Leo: (frustrated) Adam, can you believe this? Chase is hogging Diana.

Adam: (laughing, giving Chase a high-five) Hey, I'm not surprised. I was going to play matchmaker if he didn't man up. Diana's perfect for Chase.

Adam ruffles Chase's hair teasingly while Leo watches in dismay. Suddenly, the stress gets to him, and he faints dramatically. Bree and Diana burst out laughing, and Chase shakes his head with a smile.

Chase: (sighing) Well, that's Leo for you.

Diana: (smiling at Chase) Come on, let's get to class, nerdy hero.

They walk off together, leaving Bree and Adam to deal with the fainted Leo. Bree shakes her head fondly, while Adam just chuckles.

Adam: (grinning) I told you, Bree. This was bound to happen.

The bell rings, signaling the start of a new school day filled with unexpected twists and familiar faces.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now