♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Reunited Hearts and Broken Barriers ♥♥♥

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The room is filled with an air of tension. Chase Davenport is sitting at a table, staring blankly at his laptop. Bree is pacing, her face twisted in worry. Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar are trying to make sense of the situation.

MR. DAVENPORT: (through communicator) Chase, I'm sending reinforcements to the tower. Bree, make sure everything's ready.

BREE: (nervously) Reinforcements? Who is it?

Suddenly, the doors slide open, and a tall, confident girl steps in. Bree's eyes widen in shock.

BREE: (screaming) Oh. My. Gosh. It's you!

Bree runs over, practically bouncing with excitement. Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar exchange confused glances.

OLIVER: Who is she?

KAZ: Yeah, I've never seen her before.

SKYLAR: And why is Bree acting like that?

BREE: (hugging the girl) Guys, this is Diana! We thought she was dead!

Diana returns the hug warmly, then steps into the room with an air of authority. She walks over to Chase and, with a swift motion, uses her heel to close his laptop. The laptop slips and crashes to the floor, breaking. Chase looks up, confused and then pales as he recognizes her.

CHASE: (standing up quickly) Diana?

Diana steps forward and wraps her arms around Chase's neck, kissing his cheek multiple times. Chase hesitates before hugging her back tightly.

DIANA: (pulling back, dark expression) Reese is going to pay for what she did to you. Let me go after her, Chase.

CHASE: (gently) No, Diana. We can't risk it. We need to be smart about this.

Chase's tone softens as he looks at her with a mixture of relief and concern. Diana's expression softens too, and she leans in closer, her eyes locked on his lips.

DIANA: (softly) Chase, I...

Chase, with newfound determination, pulls her body fully against his, his voice firm and possessive.

CHASE: Who do you belong to?

Diana's eyes shine with emotion as she leans in, her lips barely brushing his.

DIANA: You, Chase. Always you.

They share a passionate kiss, the tension and worry of the past days melting away in their embrace. The rest of the team watches with a mix of awe and understanding, realizing just how deep the bond between Chase and Diana runs.

OLIVER: (whispering to Kaz) Well, that explains a lot.

KAZ: (nodding) Yeah, a lot.

The scene fades out with the team rallying around Chase and Diana, ready to face whatever comes next together.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now