♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Mission: ''Matchmaker'' ♥♥♥

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The hallway is bustling with students. Lockers slam, laughter echoes, and conversations blend into a symphony of teenage energy. LEO DOOLEY stands near his locker, nervously eyeing a girl, SARAH, across the hallway. His step-brother, CHASE DAVENPORT, notices Leo's anxious glances and walks over.

CHASE (leaning against the locker) Hey, Leo. You alright?

LEO (sighs) Not really, Chase. I want to talk to Sarah, but every time I try, I freeze up.

CHASE (supportive) I got your back, bro. But I think I have a better idea than just going up to her.

Chase looks around and spots DIANA, a cheerleader who adores him, chatting with her friends nearby. He smirks and walks over to her, with Leo following hesitantly.

CHASE (to Diana, casually leaning against the wall) Hey, Diana. Got a minute?

DIANA (surprised and excited) Chase! Of course, anything for you.

CHASE (smiling) Great. Listen, my step-brother Leo has a bit of a situation. He likes Sarah but can't seem to muster up the courage to talk to her.

DIANA (raising an eyebrow) So, why aren't you guys talking to her directly?

CHASE (scratching his head) Well, there was a... misunderstanding when we first came to this school. It involved me, some misfired abilities, and, well, let's just say Sarah might still be a little wary.

DIANA (considering) Hmm, I see. So you want me to play matchmaker?

CHASE (nods) Exactly. I know you're great with people, Diana. And if you help us out, I'll owe you one.

DIANA (tilting her head) Owe me one, huh? How about a date instead?

CHASE (laughs nervously) I can definitely pay for a nice dinner.

DIANA (grinning) Oh, it's not about the money, Chase. I want you to come over and have a sleepover at my house.

CHASE (stunned) A sleepover?

DIANA (softly) Yes, Chase. I know you're bionic. And I know you think you need that capsule every night. But I believe one night away won't make you glitch. I care about you, Chase. I don't want to lose you.

Chase is taken aback by her sincerity. He looks at Diana, seeing her genuine affection.

CHASE (touched) Diana... I... okay. I'll do it.

DIANA (smiling warmly) Good. Now, let's get your brother talking to Sarah.

Chase leans in and, without thinking, kisses Diana on the lips. She giggles, and he picks her up in his arms, spinning her around.

CHASE (grinning) Thank you, Diana. You're amazing.

DIANA (laughing) I know. Now, put me down and let's get to work.

Chase sets her down gently, and they walk over to where Leo is still nervously standing.

DIANA (to Leo) Alright, Leo. Follow my lead.

Leo nods, a mixture of relief and excitement on his face. Chase watches them with a smile, feeling hopeful about his brother's chances and his own new connection with Diana.

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