♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana Allen: Allies in a Flash ♥♥♥

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~*~ STAR Labs - Central City ~*~

Mr. Davenport leads Oliver, Kaz, Chase, Bree, and Skylar through the halls of STAR Labs. The group is excited but also cautious, knowing they are about to meet Team Flash. As they walk, they hear sounds of fighting and shouting echoing down the corridor.

Nora Allen: (angrily) "Bart! How could you just stand there and do nothing? You were supposed to help me!"

Bart Allen: (calmly) "Nora, Dad told us not to mess with Diana. You know she's on a different level."

Nora and Bart are in the middle of a heated argument while their older sister Diana stands nearby, looking defiant. Suddenly, Barry Allen, the Flash, appears and pulls Diana into a comforting hug.

Barry Allen: "Alright, that's enough. Let's settle down."

Cisco Ramon enters the scene, noticing Mr. Davenport and his team.

Cisco Ramon: "Hey, sorry about the drama. Sibling rivalry can get intense around here. Welcome to STAR Labs."

Mr. Davenport: (nodding) "We understand. This is Chase, Bree, Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar. We're here to discuss a potential alliance."

As the introductions are made, Chase's eyes meet Diana's. They both pause, feeling an inexplicable connection. Diana suddenly runs towards Chase, and he instinctively opens his arms to hug her.

Diana Allen: (softly) "It's like I've known you forever."

Chase Davenport: (equally soft) "Yeah, I feel it too."

Mr. Davenport watches the interaction with a thoughtful expression.

Mr. Davenport: "It looks like we've found the new member we need. Diana, would you be interested in joining our team?"

Nora Allen: (protesting) "Wait, that's not fair! You haven't even seen what Bart and I can do yet."

Bart steps forward, placing a hand on Nora's shoulder.

Bart Allen: "Nora, Diana is our best chance. She's got what it takes to lead and protect."

Cisco Ramon: (to Mr. Davenport) "It's true. Diana's got a unique set of skills and a strong sense of responsibility. She'd be a great asset to any team."

Diana Allen: (looking at Chase) "I think I'd like that. Working with all of you sounds like a great opportunity."

Chase Davenport: (smiling) "Welcome to the team, Diana."

Barry nods in approval, and Nora, though still a bit frustrated, can't deny the logic. The group begins to discuss their plans, ready to unite their strengths against any threats that may come their way.

Barry Allen: "Alright, let's get to work. We've got a lot to prepare for."


~*~ STAR Labs - Later That Day ~*~

Iris West-Allen is standing in front of her kids, Nora and Bart, with a stern expression. Bart looks sheepish while Nora crosses her arms defiantly.

Iris West-Allen: "What were you two thinking? Showing off like that in front of Mr. Davenport and his team?"

Bart Allen: (trying to explain) "Mom, Nora was trying to outdo Diana, and I was just trying to make a fool of myself so they wouldn't notice."

Iris West-Allen: (sighing) "Bart, they noticed. Especially Chase. Even if Mr. Davenport didn't catch on, Chase did."

Barry Allen enters the room, smiling warmly at his family.

Barry Allen: "Iris is right. Chase is very perceptive. Let's talk for a moment."

Barry leads his family to a window overlooking the training area. Outside, Bree, Diana, and Skylar are engaged in a spirited hand-to-hand combat session, laughing and clearly enjoying themselves. Chase stands off to the side, chuckling at their antics.

Suddenly, Diana grabs Chase's hand and flips him onto the mat. Bree and Skylar sit down, watching with amused expressions as Chase and Diana start a playful tussle. Chase finds Diana's ticklish spots, causing her to laugh uncontrollably. He then flips her next to him and hugs her stomach, both of them laughing.

Barry Allen: (chuckling) "See, Iris? Reminds me of when I fell in love with you."

Iris West-Allen: (smiling) "You're right. Chase does have a lot of your personality."

Nora Allen: (softening) "I guess we got a little carried away."

Bart Allen: (nodding) "Yeah, we did. But I think we'll get along with them just fine."

Barry Allen: "That's the spirit. Let's join them and show them what the Allen family can really do when we work together."

The family heads down to the training area, ready to bond with their new allies. As they approach, Bree, Skylar, and Diana look up, welcoming the newcomers with friendly smiles.

Diana Allen: (grinning at Chase) "You ready for round two?"

Chase Davenport: (laughing) "Bring it on."

The scene ends with the two teams blending together, practicing, and forming bonds that promise to make them an even stronger force against future threats.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now