♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Unexpected Chemistry ♥♥♥

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The school cafeteria is bustling with students enjoying their lunch. Adam, Bree, and Leo sit at their usual table, chatting and laughing. Chase approaches them, looking a bit disheveled.

Chase: Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Biology ran longer than usual.

Leo: No worries, bro. But why do you look like you just got caught in a tornado?

Chase: [Sighs] Well, I was paired up with Diana for a project, and things got a bit... intense.

Adam: Diana? The cheerleader?

Bree: Wait, why do you have lipstick on your lips?

Chase: [Blushing] Uh, well... we kind of kissed the whole time.

Leo: You kissed Diana? That's... unexpected.

Chase: I know, I know. But she already knows I'm bionic, and she was into me even before that.

As they talk, Diana approaches, wrapping her arms around Chase from behind.

Diana: Hey, sweetie.

She leans in and plants a kiss on Chase's lips, causing a few nearby guys to grumble in jealousy.

Adam: Woah, she's really into you, Chase.

Chase: [Nervously] Yeah, she's... she's something else.

Diana: [Whispering in Chase's ear] I love you, Chase. You know that, right?

Chase: [Smiling] Yeah, I know. And I can tell you're addicted to me, to my lips, my hugs...

Diana nods, her expression softening.

Diana: You're filling a void in my life, Chase. Something I've been missing for so long.

Chase: What is it, Diana? What are you missing?

Diana: [Gently] Love, Chase. I've been missing love. And I think I've found it in you.

Chase: [Touched] Diana...

Diana: [Smirking] So, how about you come home with me after school? We can spend some quality time together.

Chase: [Grinning] I'd love to, Diana. Let's do it.

As they share a tender moment, Adam, Bree, and Leo exchange surprised glances, realizing that Chase and Diana's relationship is more than meets the eye.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now