♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Fragile Strength ♥♥♥

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Chase is preparing for the next lesson, checking the bionic equipment. Leo walks in, looking nervous but determined.

Leo: Hey, Chase. Can I talk to you about something?

Chase: (glancing up) Sure, Leo. What's up?

Leo: It's about Diana. She's in your group, right?

Chase: (tensing slightly) Yeah, she's my best student. Why?

Leo: Well, I... I kind of have a crush on her. I was hoping you could help me out, maybe put in a good word?

Chase: (frowning) Leo, I don't think that's a good idea.

Leo: (confused) Why not? You know her better than anyone.

Before Chase can respond, Diana enters the room, limping, tears streaming down her face. Her leg is cut, bloody, and bruised.

Diana: (voice trembling) Chase... I was outside and got caught in a tree root...

Chase: (rushing to her) Diana! Why didn't you call for help?

Chase pulls Diana into his lap, hugging her waist and caressing her hair. He kisses her face all over, trying to comfort her.

Bree: (entering with a first aid kit) She didn't need to call for help. I found her and brought her here.

Diana: (sobbing) I wanted to yell for Chase...

Bree: (slightly jealous) Instead of letting me help, she preferred my nerdy brother.

Chase: (softly) It's okay, Bree. Thanks for getting her here.

Chase gently bandages Diana's leg and kisses her thigh, making sure she feels safe.

Chase: (firmly but gently) Diana, you can't go anywhere without me anymore, understood?

Diana: (looking up at him) I understand, Tiger. I love you.

Chase: (perking up) I love you too, my Golden Girl.

Chase presses his lips to hers, pulling her back on his lap, holding her close. Bree watches, a mix of jealousy and admiration on her face. Suddenly, Mr. Davenport appears at the door.

Chase: Bree, can you tell Mr. Davenport I'm taking the day off?

Mr. Davenport: (smiling) No need. I heard everything. Take the week off, Chase.

Leo: (surprised) Why would you do that, Mr. Davenport?

Mr. Davenport: Chase wouldn't be emotionally stable, and Diana will go hysterical without him. I'm proud of you, son. No girl has ever sobbed for you before. You're the smartest man in the world, and Diana is your type of girl.

Chase looks at Mr. Davenport, gratitude in his eyes. He picks Diana up bridal style, ready to leave.

Chase: Thanks, Mr. Davenport.

Mr. Davenport nods, a proud smile on his face as Chase carries Diana out of the room, leaving Leo and Bree watching in awe.

Leo: Well, that was... unexpected.

Bree: (sighing) Yeah. But at least we know Chase has a heart after all.

They both smile, feeling a mix of happiness for their brother and curiosity about what the future holds for him and Diana.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now