♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Betting on Love ♥♥♥

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Skylar and Diana stand on the balcony, deep in conversation. Inside, Oliver is slumped on the couch, pouting. Kaz sits next to him, trying to cheer him up.

Kaz: (nudging Oliver) Come on, dude. You can't let Skylar see you like this. She'll never fall for a guy who's always moping around.

Oliver: (sighing) I just don't know what to do. It feels like no matter what I try, she doesn't see me that way.

Kaz: (grinning) Look on the bright side, man. At least you're not Chase. I mean, does that guy even have a love life?

Just then, Chase walks down the stairs, overhearing Kaz's comment. He smirks but says nothing as he heads toward the balcony.

Chase: (passing by Kaz and Oliver) Morning, guys.

Chase steps out onto the balcony where Skylar and Diana are talking.

Skylar: (annoyed) Oliver just doesn't get it, Diana. I need space, but he keeps hovering.

Diana: (sympathetic) I understand, but you should be grateful. Not every girl has a guy who's so into them.

Mid-sentence, Chase steps up to Diana and kisses her on the lips. Diana is surprised but quickly kisses him back. Skylar steps back, wide-eyed.

Diana: (breaking the kiss, breathless) What got into you, Chase?

Chase: (smiling) I made a bet with Bree. I knew she'd win.

Diana: (curious) Why make a bet if you knew you'd lose?

Chase: (confidently) Because I won't lose anything if you go out with me.

Diana: (smiling) I love you, Chase.

Chase grins and lifts Diana into his arms, bridal style. Meanwhile, inside, Oliver's jaw drops.

Oliver: (in shock) Did that just happen?

Kaz: (backtracking) Okay, maybe I was wrong about Chase's love life.

Bree comes down the stairs, counting a few bills in her hand.

Bree: (smirking) Told you I'd win, Chase.

Chase walks by Bree, Diana still in his arms. Diana hugs him tightly, laughing.

Diana: (teasing) You better not drop me, Davenport, or else.

Chase: (kissing her deeply) Wouldn't dream of it.

Oliver watches in disbelief as Kaz pats him on the back.

Kaz: (grinning) Well, looks like the genius got the girl. Maybe there's hope for you yet, Oliver.

Oliver: (smiling slightly) Maybe...

The camera pans out as Chase and Diana continue their romantic moment, Skylar looks thoughtfully at Oliver, and Bree counts her winnings.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now