♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana Zolomon: A Father's Promise ♥♥♥

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Scene opens in the midst of a heated battle at the Bionic Academy. Adam, Bree, and Chase, the bionic siblings, are facing off against Krane, their former nemesis who has returned to reclaim control of his bionic soldiers. The academy is in chaos as Krane and the siblings exchange blows.

Adam: [grunting] Chase, we need to stop him before he—

Before Adam can finish, a sudden burst of speed and a chilling presence interrupts the fight. Hunter Zolomon, known as Zoom, materializes behind Krane, freezing the entire scene in its tracks.

Krane: [eyes widening] You!

Zoom slowly removes his mask, revealing his face, causing Krane's expression to shift from defiance to surprise and concern.

Krane: [stammering] You... You're Diana's father?

Adam, Bree, and Chase exchange puzzled glances, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Adam: [whispers] Did Krane just mention... his daughter?

Bree: [quietly] Zoom has a daughter?

Chase: [eyes narrowing] Krane must have no idea who he's dealing with if he didn't know that.

Meanwhile, a teenage girl, Diana, around Chase's age, stealthily sneaks into the area, witnessing the confrontation between her father and Krane.

Diana: [whispering, alarmed] Dad...

Krane: [gesturing towards Zoom] You never mentioned having a daughter!

Zoom: [coldly] She's not a soldier. She's my daughter. She doesn't belong here.

Diana: [stepping forward defiantly] I want to be with you, Dad. Not as a soldier, not as a hero. Just with you.

Zoom: [hesitating, torn] Diana...

Chase approaches Diana gently, recognizing her as a student and a friend.

Chase: [softly] Diana, are you okay?

Diana nods, glancing between her father and Chase.

Diana: [resolutely] I don't want to fight, Dad. I want to go home.

Zoom: [looking at Chase, conflicted] She's right. But I can make her dreams come true.

Chase: [stepping forward] She wants to be with you, but she also needs guidance and a safe place. We can help with that.

Zoom and Chase exchange a tense look, understanding each other's roles in Diana's life.

Zoom: [grimly] Krane, this ends now.

Zoom and Krane engage in a fierce battle, their powers clashing spectacularly. Despite Krane's strength, Zoom's speed and determination prove formidable.

Adam: [watching in awe] I can't believe I'm saying this, but... go, Zoom!

Bree: [grinning] Never thought I'd see the day.

As the battle reaches its climax, Zoom gains the upper hand, finally incapacitating Krane. Diana rushes into Chase's arms, seeking comfort and reassurance.

Diana: [tearfully] Chase...

Chase: [holding her close] It's okay, Diana. You're safe now.

Zoom approaches them, visibly exhausted but relieved.

Zoom: [to Chase] She can still be with you. I'll bring her to visit.

Chase: [nodding] Thank you, Hunter.

Zoom: [looking around at Adam and Bree] I expect you to keep her safe.

Adam and Bree: [nodding solemnly] You can count on us.

Zoom gently picks up Diana in his arms, causing her to giggle softly. Before leaving, she kisses his cheek.

Diana: [smiling] Love you, Dad.

Zoom nods, a rare softness in his eyes as he disappears in a blur of speed, taking Diana home.

Chase: [turning to Adam and Bree] I think we have a lot to explain to Mr. Davenport.

Adam: [grinning] You have a girlfriend, Chase? A supervillain's daughter, no less!

Bree: [laughing] This is going to be interesting.

The siblings exchange amused looks, grateful that despite the chaos, they've found a way to ensure Diana's safety and happiness.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now