♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: A Lesson In Kissing ♥♥♥

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Chase and Diana are in the lab, with Chase standing by a table covered in bionic equipment.

Diana: (nervously) Chase, can I ask you something?
Chase: (smiling) Of course, Diana. What's up?

Diana: (hesitantly) It's kind of embarrassing, but... I've never kissed a boy before. And I was wondering if you could, you know, tell me about it?

Chase's smile falters, and he looks at Diana with a mixture of surprise and jealousy.

Chase: (awkwardly) Oh, uh... well, I haven't really kissed a girl before either.

Diana looks disappointed, but Chase quickly recovers.

Chase: (determined) But, I mean, I could definitely show you. If you want.

Diana's eyes light up, and she nods eagerly.

Diana: (excitedly) Yes, please!

Chase steps closer to Diana, his heart pounding in his chest. He gently takes her face in his hands and leans in to press his lips to hers. At first, they both seem unsure of what to do, but soon they find a rhythm, their lips moving together in a gentle dance. Chase's hands move to Diana's waist, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss. Diana wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal passion. Chase can feel himself getting lost in the moment, and he never wants it to end. He pulls back slightly, his forehead resting against Diana's as they both catch their breath.

Chase: (whispering) Diana, I know this might be crazy, but... will you be my girlfriend?

Diana smiles, her eyes shining with happiness.

Diana: (whispering) Yes, Chase. Yes, I will.

As they lean in for another kiss, the door to the lab slams open, and Adam, Bree, and Leo burst in, their eyes widening in shock as they take in the scene before them.

Adam: (incredulously) Whoa, dude! You're making out with your student?!
Bree: (in disbelief) And she's your age?!
Leo: (amazed) Our nerdy brother got a girl?! This is insane!

Chase and Diana break apart, looking sheepish, as the rest of the Davenport family looks on in amazement.

Chase: (defensively) Hey, it's not what it looks like!
Diana: (chuckling) Well, actually, it is. But it's also more than that. Chase is my best friend, and I love him.

Chase smiles, taking Diana's hand in his, as the rest of the family looks on in stunned silence.

Chase: (proudly) And I love her.

Chase and Diana then share another kiss, surrounded by their loving family.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now