♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Love's Tender Mend ♥♥♥

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CHASE DAVENPORT sits on the couch, engrossed in his laptop, surrounded by various gadgets and tools.

CHASE: (typing away) Just a few more adjustments and this algorithm should optimize our energy consumption.

OLIVER and KAZ burst into the room, their voices raised in argument.

OLIVER: Kaz, you can't just— Oh, hey Chase.

CHASE: What's going on, guys?

KAZ: (sighs) Oliver here thinks he can beat me at virtual reality gaming.

OLIVER: I can and I will!

Before Chase can respond, BREE enters, her expression grave, followed by SKYLAR, concern etched on her face.

BREE: Guys, we have a problem.

CHASE: What happened?

BREE: Diana had an accident. Her leg's bleeding badly.

CHASE's demeanor shifts instantly, concern overtaking his features. He rushes to Diana's side as BREE leads her in, her leg stained with blood.

CHASE: Diana, are you okay?

DIANA: (wincing) I'll survive. Just not a fan of doctors, you know?

SKYLAR: I can call a doctor—

CHASE: No need, Skylar. I got this.

Chase embraces Diana gently, kissing her cheek to comfort her.

CHASE: Let's get that leg fixed up.

As Chase tends to her wound, DIANA surprises everyone by flirting back.

DIANA: Hey Chase, would you mind fixing my leg... shirtless?

Chase, taken aback, grins and obliges, removing his shirt. DIANA's eyes widen as she admires his abs.

CHASE: Better?

DIANA: Much.

Chase finishes fixing her leg as DIANA takes some medicine. Exhausted, she snuggles into Chase's chest, falling asleep almost instantly.

CHASE: (softly) Sleep tight, Diana.

He kisses her forehead gently, then her lips. She responds with a sleepy kiss of her own.

OLIVER and KAZ exchange incredulous looks as BREE shrugs, equally surprised.

BREE: Guess we didn't see that coming.

The group watches as Chase and Diana drift off to sleep, intertwined on the couch.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now