♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: A Captivating Encounter ♥♥♥ ***SMUT***

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(Scene opens with Chase Davenport, played by William Brent, tied to a chair in a dimly lit tomb. He's bruised and beaten, but tries to maintain his composure.)

Chase: (grimacing) Okay, okay. I can get through this. I just need to figure out a way to get out of here.

(The door creaks open, and a tall, dark-haired woman enters. She's dressed in all black, with a scar running down her left cheek. This is Diana, the leader of the group of females who have captured Chase.)

Diana: (smirking) Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The great Chase Davenport, tied up and at my mercy.

Chase: (raising an eyebrow) And who exactly are you?

Diana: (stepping closer) I'm Diana, the one who's going to bring the world to its knees.

Chase: (sarcastically) Oh, I'm so scared.

(Diana chuckles and walks around Chase, studying him. Suddenly, she stops and turns to face him.)

Diana: (softly) You know, I've never seen a man like you before. You're strong, brave, and... (pauses) ...incredibly attractive.

(Chase looks at her, surprised by her sudden change in tone.)

Chase: (awkwardly) Uh, thanks?

(Diana steps closer and presses her lips to his cheek, then brings him into a deep kiss. Chase is taken aback at first, but then kisses her back, feeling a spark of attraction.)

Chase: (softly) I never expected this to happen... but I'm glad it did.

(Diana smiles and pulls away, then unties Chase's arms.)

Diana: (whispering in his ear) I'm going to get you out of here, Chase. But first... (pauses) ...I want to show you how much I've come to care for you.

(Diana then sucks on Chase's neck, leaving hickeys all over it. She then pulls up her skirt and unzips his jeans, pulling him inside her and moaning against his lips. Chase presses his lips to her neck, covering it with hickeys and kisses, before exploding deeply inside her, feeling her up with his seed.)

Chase: (panting) Diana, I don't know what's happening between us, but I know I want to be with you.

Diana: (smiling) I want to be with you too, Chase. And who knows... maybe we'll even start a family together.

Chase: (hesitantly) I don't know if that's such a good idea, given the situation we're in...

Diana: (interrupting) I don't care, Chase. I want you, and I want your baby.

(Chase looks at her, his eyes filled with uncertainty, but also with a spark of excitement. Maybe, just maybe, this dangerous situation has led him to the love of his life.)

Chase: (kissing her feverishly) Then let's do this, Diana. Let's start a new life together, no matter where it takes us.

(Scene fades to black as Chase and Diana continue to kiss, their bodies entwined together in a passionate embrace.)

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now