♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Guardian of Her Heart ♥♥♥

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~*~ Bionic Academy Training Room ~*~

The training room is buzzing with activity as Bree's students are practicing their bionic abilities. Bree stands at the front, giving instructions and encouraging her students. Chase walks in, clipboard in hand, ready to discuss the day's schedule with Bree.

Chase: Noticing the energy in the room "Hey Bree, looks like your class is going full throttle today."

Bree: Smiling "Yeah, they're really giving it their all. What brings you here?"

Chase scans the room, his eyes falling on Diana, who is struggling to keep up with the rest of the class. Her leg looks swollen and bruised, and she winces with every movement. Concern etches across Chase's face as he walks over to her.

Chase: Softly "Diana, are you okay?"

Diana: Trying to hide her pain "I'm fine, Chase. Just a little sore from training."

Chase: Not convinced "This isn't just soreness. Let me take a look."

Before Diana can protest, Chase kneels down to examine her leg. He gently touches the swollen area, causing Diana to flinch.

Chase: "Diana, this is serious. How long has your leg been like this?"

Diana: Reluctantly "A few days. I twisted it during a training exercise, but I didn't want to miss any classes."

Chase: Concerned and determined "You should have said something. You need to rest and get this treated."

Chase stands up and sweeps Diana into his arms, careful not to hurt her leg further. Diana blushes but wraps her arms around his neck, feeling safe and cared for.

Bree: Noticing the situation "Chase, is everything alright?"

Chase: "Diana's leg is in bad shape. I'm taking her to the infirmary."

Bree: Nodding "Go ahead. Take care of her."

As Chase carries Diana out of the room, the other students watch with curiosity. Diana looks up at Chase, their eyes meeting.

Diana: Softly "Thank you, Chase. I didn't want to seem weak."

Chase: Gently "You're not weak, Diana. Everyone needs help sometimes. And I'll always be here for you."

Diana smiles, her feelings for Chase clear in her eyes. Chase returns her gaze, his heart full of love and concern. They walk down the hall together, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, but knowing they have each other.

~*~ Bionic Academy Infirmary and Dining Area ~*~

Chase gently places Diana on a medical examination bed in the academy's infirmary, concern etched on his face as he examines her injured leg. Diana watches him with a mixture of gratitude and affection.

Diana: Softly "Chase, you really didn't have to do all this. I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier."

Chase: Smiling warmly "It's okay, Diana. Just promise me you'll speak up next time, alright?"

Chase tends to Diana's leg with care, applying a soothing balm and wrapping it gently. Once he's satisfied that she's comfortable, he helps her off the bed and offers his arm for support.

Chase: "Let's get you something to eat. You need to keep up your strength."

They walk together to the dining area, where Chase notices Leo sitting alone, looking a bit dejected with a half-eaten sandwich in front of him.

Chase: Concerned "Leo, why aren't you in class? Your bionic arm training is important."

Leo: Defensive "I needed a break, okay? Besides, someone has to keep Diana company."

Diana looks at Chase, squeezing his hand gently.

Diana: Softly "Chase, please. Let's just have lunch together."

Chase hesitates, torn between his protective instincts and Diana's plea. Finally, he nods, deciding to address Leo's training later.

Chase: "Alright, but we're discussing this after lunch."

Leo rolls his eyes, but before he can say anything, Diana surprises both brothers by taking Chase's face in her hands and pressing a kiss to his lips. Chase responds instinctively, his arms wrapping around her as he deepens the kiss.

Adam: Entering with Bree, amused "Well, well, what do we have here?"

Bree elbows Adam lightly, trying to hide a smile.

Bree: "Adam, don't start."

Adam: Grinning "I believe you owe me some money, Bree."

Bree: Sighing "Not now, Adam."

Leo, still processing what just happened, turns to Adam with annoyance.

Leo: "What's going on? Why are you talking about bets?"

Adam: Chuckles "We had a little wager on when Diana would finally admit she's into Chase."

Leo's eyes widen in surprise, and then he looks at Diana, who nods, confirming Adam's words.

Diana: Smiling at Chase "Looks like Chase's instincts were right, as usual."

Leo huffs, clearly annoyed.

Leo: "Seriously? You guys bet on that?"

Chase: Quietly to Diana "Maybe we should talk about Leo's training..."

Diana: Squeezing Chase's hand "Later. Right now, I just want you to hug me and spend time with me."

Chase smiles warmly at Diana, realizing how lucky he is to have her. He wraps his arms around her, holding her close, while Adam and Bree exchange amused glances in the background.

Adam: To Bree "Told you she had a thing for the know-it-all."

Bree: Rolling her eyes fondly "Fine, you win. Now let's leave them be."

As Adam and Bree leave the room, Chase and Diana share a tender moment, knowing that their bond has only grown stronger.

Chase: Whispering "I love you, Diana."

Diana: Smiling up at him "I love you too, Chase."

They kiss again, their hearts full of happiness and contentment, as they enjoy their lunch together in the midst of the bustling academy.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now