♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: A Heartfelt Connection ♥♥♥

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Chase Davenport descends the stairs quietly, heading towards the bar in the kirchen area for a glass of water from living room area of the Davenport Tower at night. As he approaches, he notices his teammate Diana standing on the balcony, her expression troubled. Curious, Chase listens in on her conversation, realizing she's on a video call with her parents from another dimension, Stella and Brandon, who were the Queen and King of Solaria.

Diana: [tearfully] I'm sorry if I disappointed you, Mom, Dad. I just... I need a break.

Stella: [concerned] Diana, darling, come home. We miss you terribly.

Brandon: [advising] Sweetheart, if you need time to think things through, perhaps coming home would be best. But don't talk as if you've done something wrong.

Diana: [sadly] It's not just that, Mom. I... I don't fit in with my teammates here.

Stella: [understanding] Oh, darling...

Brandon: [thoughtful] If it's just a matter of fitting in, maybe it's not worth staying away. But you should come home, if only for a while.

Diana: [explaining] And... and I've never transformed in front of them. They don't believe in magic. They think it's all just tricks.

Chase, realizing the gravity of Diana's situation, steps forward, deciding to intervene. He approaches Diana on the balcony, clearing his throat to announce his presence.

Chase: Diana... I'm sorry for eavesdropping. Are you okay?

Diana turns to see Chase, surprised but grateful for his concern. She wipes away her tears and manages a weak smile.

Diana: [sniffling] It's okay, Chase. I guess I needed someone to talk to.

Chase sits beside Diana on the couch, offering her a comforting presence.

Chase: Why didn't you talk to me before?

Diana: [hesitantly] I... I thought you'd make fun of me. You're the smartest guy I know, and I thought... I thought you'd think my magic was silly, like Skylar's alien powers or Kaz and Oliver's superpowers.

Chase's expression softens, understanding dawning in his eyes.

Chase: I would never do that, Diana. Your magic... it's a part of who you are. And it's real, just like you.

Diana's eyes well up with tears again, and she leans into Chase, seeking comfort. Chase wraps his arms around her gently, offering the hug she so desperately needed.

Diana: I should've talked to you sooner...

Chase: [whispering] I wanted to hug you sooner.

As they sit there together, Chase realizes the depth of his feelings for Diana, his heart aching to see her in pain. And in that moment, he knows he'll do whatever it takes to support her, even if it means confronting his own emotions.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now