♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: The Purest Love Of All ♥♥♥

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Chase, Adam, and Bree are sitting at the cyber desk at the Bionic Academy when Mr. Davenport approaches

Mr. Davenport: Chase, I need to speak with you for a moment.
Chase: Sure thing, Mr. Davenport. What's up?
Mr. Davenport: (looking concerned) I heard some news about one of your students, Diana. Is it true that she's pregnant?
Chase: (nervously) Yes, sir. I, um, I'm the father.
Mr. Davenport, Adam, and Bree: (in unison) What?!
Chase: (defensively) Hey, it was her decision. I didn't force her into anything.
Mr. Davenport: (angrily) But you're her teacher, Chase! And you're only 18!
Chase: (calmly) I know that, Mr. Davenport. But Diana and I are in a relationship, and she wanted to have a baby. I couldn't just say no.
Adam: (in disbelief) But you're the smartest man in the world! How could you make such a stupid decision?
Chase: (frustrated) I didn't say it was a smart decision, Adam. But it's Diana's body, and she has the right to choose what she wants to do with it.
Bree: (curiously) But what about the academy? Won't this affect your teaching?
Chase: (seriously) I'll make it work. I'll be there for Diana and the baby, no matter what.

Just then, Diana yells for Chase from across the hall

Diana: Chase! I need you!
Chase: (gets up and runs to Diana) I'm here, Diana. What do you need?
Diana: (presses her lips to his) I just wanted your attention.
Chase: (smiles) Of course, Diana. I'm always here for you.

Mr. Davenport and his siblings watch in shock as Chase and Diana embrace

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now