♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: A Birthday by the Water ♥♥♥

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~*~ Bionic Academy mentor lounge ~*~

Bree and Diana are sitting together, chatting, as Chase enters the room.

Bree: [Excitedly] Hey Diana! Your birthday's coming up soon, right? Got any plans?

Diana: [Smiling] Yeah, it's next week. But I don't really want anything fancy or anything money can buy.

Bree: [Curious] Oh? What do you want then?

Diana looks across the room at Chase, who's busy sorting through some papers.

Diana: [Softly] Chase.

Bree: [Surprised] Chase? Really? But he's... well, Chase.

Diana: [With a shrug] Yeah, I know. But he's different. He's always been there for me, you know? He's my best friend.

Bree: [Realization dawning] Oh... I had no idea.

Diana: [Sadly] It doesn't matter anyway. He'd never see me that way.

Bree's about to respond when Diana gets up abruptly, gathering her things.

Bree: [Concerned] Diana, wait. Where are you going?

Diana: [Forcing a smile] I think I'll just head back to my room. Thanks for the chat, Bree.

Diana leaves the room just as Mr. Davenport enters.

Mr. Davenport: [Noticing Diana's departure] What's going on?

Bree: [Sighs] Diana's birthday is coming up, and I tried to talk to her about it, but she's not interested in celebrating. She said she doesn't want anyone's greetings.

Mr. Davenport: [Frowning] That doesn't sound like her.

Chase, who had been engrossed in his work, finally looks up and notices Diana's absence.

Chase: [Concerned] Hey, where's Diana?

Bree: [Worried] She left. Said she wasn't feeling well.

Chase: [Immediately standing up] I should go check on her.

Bree: [Nods] Yeah, you probably should.

Chase rushes out of the room, determined to find Diana and make sure she's okay.

Meanwhile outside by the water, Diana lies on a towel in her swimsuit, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Chase approaches quietly and leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. Diana sits up in surprise, turning to see Chase standing there.

Diana: Chase, what are you doing here?

Chase smiles softly and sits down next to her, pulling off his shirt to avoid sweating in the sun.

Chase: Just thought I'd come find you. You seemed a little off back there.

Diana looks at him, her expression softening.

Diana: Yeah, I guess I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate my birthday.

Chase: [Frowning] Bree told me you didn't want anything for your birthday. I had plans, but if you don't want them...

Diana's heart sinks at Chase's words, realizing the misunderstanding.

Diana: No, Chase, that's not what I meant. I just... I didn't want anything materialistic. But spending time with you, that's all I really wanted.

Chase's expression softens, and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close.

Chase: Diana, I... I had no idea. I'm sorry if I misunderstood.

Diana leans into his embrace, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort enveloping her.

Diana: It's okay, Chase. I should've been clearer. But... I do want something else for my birthday.

Chase looks at her, curiosity in his eyes.

Chase: What is it?

Diana takes a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She leans in, pressing her lips to his, hoping against hope that he won't push her away.

Diana: You. I want you, Chase.

Chase's eyes widen in surprise, but then he smiles, leaning in to deepen the kiss, wrapping his arms around her as if never wanting to let her go.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now