Happy birthday

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It was Monday again. I wrapped Tommy's comic in birthday paper and let it up on the table in my room.

After school, I quickly ran to the cafe to buy a cupcake. Unfortunately, the rest of my money was spent on just komix.

I found a cake candle at home, stuck it in and put it in a small paper box I had from the cafe.

I knew from Tommy where he lived with his mother. I didn't see him at school today, so I hoped he would be at home.

I arrived at their house around five o'clock in the afternoon. I knocked on the door and waited.

After about a minute, the door opened to reveal a middle-aged woman with long, blonde hair.

"Hello Mrs. Clark." I said sweetly.

"Is Tommy home? I brought him something." I added, pointing to the small package in my hand.

"Yes, come in." she said with a smile and invited me on.

"You must be Mia, right?" she asked and I nodded.

"Tommy talks about you sometimes." she said and I blushed.

We headed down the main hallway straight into the living room.

"You have it beautiful here, Mrs. Clark." I said.

Tommy appeared on the stairs.

"Mia. What are you doing here?" he asked in surprise.

"I have a gift for you." I said. I put the gift on the table in the living room and lit the candle on the cupcake.

"Happy Birthday!" I exclaimed, handing him a cupcake with a candle.

He took it from me somewhat nervously, smiled and blowing out the candle on the cupcake.

He took it from me somewhat nervously, smiled and blowing out the candle on the cupcake

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He didn't seem very excited so I quickly said.

"I know, it's not much, but maybe it will make up for the gift." I said and smiled nervously.

"It's perfect." he replied with smile.

I didn't know if I was just dreaming or if I wasn't very welcome here. I felt the atmosphere in the room thicken.

Tommy looked at his mother and said.

"I'll take it to the kitchen so I don't make a mess." and then he left.

I turned to his mother.

"I hope you don't mind that I brought him a gift." I said nervously. Tommy's mother just shook her head.

"No, of course it don't mind." she replied but then added "But you should go now. Tommy still has to study."

It didn't seem like much to me, but I nodded in understanding.

"Got it, okay." I said and went to the door.

"Goodbye." I said before I opened the door and left.

Tommy's POV:

I put the cupcake on a plate in the kitchen. I heard the front door so I headed back into the living room.

"Where's Mia?" I asked my mother when I saw that she was suddenly not here.

"She left, she had to go home." my mom answered me. I didn't really trust her. She didn't like it when people talked to me, but I wanted to finally have a normal life.

I told her about Mia so many times, I thought it would help, but apparently not.

This morning we had a fight about it, again. So I wasn't in the best mood, and I was hope I didn't offend Mia somehow.

"She left you a present here." Mother said, pointing to a small package on the table. I took it in my hand.

"I'll take it to my room." I said and without waiting for an answer I grabbed a cupcake from the kitchen and walked up the stairs.

I shut myself in the room. It wasn't a particularly large or well-equipped room, but it was probably the best of the ones I've moved into recently.

I sat on the bed. I removed the paper from the cupcake and bit into it. It was delicious, chocolatey. My favorite.

I threw the paper in the trash and took the wrapped present in my hand. It was wrapped in beautiful birthday paper with a name tag: For Tommy.

I carefully tore the paper. I didn't get birthday presents, we didn't have enough money for them.

I threw the birthday paper aside. It was a comic.


A rare comic that I wanted to add to my collection. Comic book in perfect condition. That was the best gift ever.

She really listened to me. She listened to me.

I was still sitting on the bed looking at the precious piece.

This was the best birthday ever.

Blood Hunt/(Tommy Clark, Dax) EGWhere stories live. Discover now