Scary fun

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About half an hour after Tommy left, he called me to make me sure that nothing had happened to him on the way. I felt relieved.

I was sitting on my bed in my room reading a book when my mom knocked on my door. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Mia?" she said as she opened the door.

"Yeah?" I asked. Mom opened the door wide.

"There's a surprise waiting for you outside." she said and I put the book down.


"Come take a look." she said with excitement in her voice. I was curious about what it would be, so I immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs.

"Someone is waiting for you outside the house." she said with a playful smile. I was very tense and curious. I opened the door and ran out front of it.

As soon as I ran out, I saw it. Down on the sidewalk in front of the cars that were parked on the street, Dax was standing.

 Down on the sidewalk in front of the cars that were parked on the street, Dax was standing

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"Dax!" I screamed and ran to him.

He caught me in a tight hug. I could not believe it. After so many years he was finally here again.

Third person perspective:

Dax stood with keys in hand in the small hallway of the family home. Opposite him stood his father.

"You can't leave!" his father shouted at him.

"How could I not? There's nothing keeping me here anymore." Dax replied.

"I forbid it to you!"

"And how? I'm already eighteen, I can leave and you can't stop me!" Dax shouted at him.

"In that case, don't come back and find housing somewhere else!"

"Okay!" Dax shouted, turning and walking out of the house. He had all his things loaded in his smaller car.

He got into his car, started it and drove back to where his home was.

Mia's POV:

"I have one more surprise for you. Dax said as the three of us sat at the kitchen table drinking tea.

"Bigger than you came back?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yes." he replied, pulling two long tickets from the back pocket of his pants.

"If you don't have anything planned today, I invite you to a small music concert. It's about half an hour from you, at the other end of town."

I turned to my mom.

"Can I go? Please, please." I made puppy eyes. Mom rolled her eyes and then smiled.

"Alright then."

"Yeah!" I shouted excitedly.

"But you have to watch her, Dax." she said sternly, looking at Dax.

"Don't worry, I will." he said, and luckily I didn't jump out of my chair.

Third person perspective:

The concert was enjoyed by all who participated. Exactly as it should be.

When it was over, everyone went home.

Mia and Dax were in a great mood. They both hadn't felt this good in a long time.

The night was already dark everywhere, the only light was the street lamps.

Dax took Mia by her shoulders to keep her close. They were laughing and talking like old times all the way.

A car stopped for them at the crossing. Mia thanked the driver, but she had no idea that Tommy was sitting in the passenger seat.

Tommy knew it was Dax, he recognized him from the photo Mia had in her room. Was he jealous?

His mother tried to annoy him with some talk about Mia. He tried not to listen to her, he knew it wasn't true. He was really jealous.

A boy and a girl were walking down a dark alley. They were only a few meters from the house. There was no one anywhere.

Just a shadow, a shadow that followed them all the way from the concert to here.

There was the sound of a pebble being kicked off.

"What was that?" Mia said and stopping. She turned behind.

A shadow flashed around the corner.

"Dax, someone is following us." the girl said and the boy looked around. He didn't feel good about it.

"Don't worry, you're with me. I'll protect you." he said, pulling the girl closer to his body.

Mia was starting to shake with fear. Suddenly, a dream about a school shooting came vividly into her mind.

Dax felt the girl's trembling and said immediately.

"Come on, let's go home. We're almost there." as he said, they stepped forward. They were home in three minutes.

Who was that shadow?

A random passerby?

A visitor to the concert they were at?

Anyone who lived nearby and was coming home?

Or the murderer of her father?

Blood Hunt/(Tommy Clark, Dax) EGWhere stories live. Discover now