He's Evo!

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It was finally Friday, the last day before the free weekend before it starts all over again.

I entered the school building. People looked at me strangely but I didn't notice. But they whispered something to each other.

I opened my locker and started rummaging through it.

I need to clean up here.

Seriously, I've been a huge mess here lately. But what? I shrugged my shoulders and went to class.

School was supposed to end much earlier today. But I still had the last hour. Mathematics.

As I was heading to my locker, I saw Tommy coming to his locker.

I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself, so I lowered my head and walked past him as unobtrusively as possible.

But Tommy himself was different. He was acting different, as if something had happened.

I slammed the door to my locker when at that moment I saw a group of people come out of the corner together with Emily. They were headed straight for Tommy.

"Hey, you're really Evo, right?" said one girl.

Tommy closed the door to his locker and turned to them nervously.

"I told you he was. He told me." Emily spoke up.

"Hey everyone! This guy is Evo. He's walking around with us and he didn't even bother to tell us." one girl of them started screaming.

People all over the corridor stopped and stared at Tommy. Some just stared in disbelief, others started running to their classes, and some started making stupid faces at him and shouting some swear words.

That's a bitch!

Tommy looked around at the others and then, with his head down, quickly headed for his classroom.

Few people had as many hours on Friday as I did. Half the school was already gone. In some parts of the corridors, the lighting was already turned off.

I was walking through a now quite dark corridor. I didn't want to stare at the person, but he looked familiar.

As I got closer, I realized it was Tommy.

"Hey, why are you sitting here alone?" I asked when I reached him. I knew the answer, but I wanted to dig a little for yesterday.

Tommy looked at me with a strange expression on his face.

"Me? Rather, I should ask what you're doing here. I understand if you want to kick to me too, because I'm Evo." he said a little disappointed.

I removed my backpack from my back, placed it on the floor and sat in the other chair next to him.

"Tommy.." I wanted to start a sentence but he cut me off.

"I trusted them. I trusted Emily.." he said looking at me. In the dark of the corridor, his expression looked even more distressed than the distress that could be heard in his voice now.

"Sorry for hurting you." he said, looking down.

" he said, looking down

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"Tommy." I said placing my palm on his hand. He looked at me with mild surprise. I smiled.

"I said I believe the Evos aren't evil. The fact that you're one of them doesn't change that. I'm on your side." I said slowly removing my hand from his.

"I just wanted a normal life. I thought it would finally work out." he said and looked around. No one was anywhere, so he continued.

"We always had to move. I can't control my ability and that makes me a danger to everyone." he sounded angry now.

I understood him. He was angry at himself, at others, at everything.

"Tommy, I'll help you."

"What?" he said in surprise.

At that moment, two teacher came out of the classroom from the door that was a little to the right.

"You're still here? School's over now, go home." the man said and we both quickly stood up and grabbed our backpacks from the ground.

"Yes, we're going." I answered quickly.

I turned to the exit but before I left I turned to Tommy.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock at our house." I winked at him and walked away down the hall.

Tommy stood there for a moment with a puzzled look on his face.

Tommy stood there for a moment with a puzzled look on his face

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Blood Hunt/(Tommy Clark, Dax) EGWhere stories live. Discover now