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It was Monday. Dax headed for his new one a part-time job and I went to school.

After such an amazing weekend, I didn't want to go anywhere.

Tommy was waiting for me on the sidewalk outside the school.

I waved to him and walked to him. We greeted each other and went inside together.

The corridors were almost empty again. Nobody wanted to go to school on Monday.

We stopped at my locker.

"How was your weekend?" Tommy asked me as I unlocked the lock on my locker.

"Great, Dax came back and we were at the concert. It was really amazing." I said excitedly. Tommy just smiled in satisfaction.

"And what about your weekend?" I asked.

"Normal." he replied.

I finally opened the door of locker and there was a surprise waiting for me.

I smiled broadly.

"What's up?" Tommy asked me as I stared in the locker for a moment.

"Look." I said and stepped back a bit so he could look too.

In the locker a flower was laid. The flower that Tommy made disappear.

Tommy looked at me and smiled with relief.

"It worked." he said.

"What?" I said confused.

"The experiment. When you told me to touch that flower, I thought of our first meeting. Our first meeting was here, by the lockers." he explained and it dawned on me.

"You're right, so it was successful. You did it!" I shouted and jumped up excitedly. I was really happy.

Information about Tommy being Evo gradually began to spread after school. People started insulting him, bullying him and treating him as if he was the only one responsible for everything in the world.

When our last class was over, Tommy and I reunited at the lockers. We went outside the school building, we wanted to go home together. It was getting quite late and the sky was getting cloudy. It started to drizzle.

We had only gone a few steps when a car stopped at us. It was Tommy's mother.

"Tommy, get in the car." she informed him as she rolled down the driver's side window.

"But Mom, I wanted to walk Mia home." Tommy arguie, but his mother was undeterred.

"Get in the car, now!" she shouted. Tommy leaned over to her window.

"Can't Mia at least come with us?" he said quietly but I still heard him. I didn't want to get involved so I wouldn't make things worse.

"No, I'm sure she can handle herself." she said rather sarcastically and Tommy turned angrily.

"Sorry." Tommy apologized to me.

"That's okay." I said looking at his mother. "I can do it myself Mrs. Clark, it's a short walk home."

Tommy shot his mother an angry look and walked around the car to get into the passenger seat.

"See you tomorrow." I said and slowly continued on my way home. But the rain gradually worsened.

Third person perspective:

After getting into the car, Tommy angrily slammed the door behind him.

"Behave yourself." his mom said sternly. The boy didn't look at her.

"I don't know who should behave self here." he said with a heavy dose of irony. Then he looked at her angrily.

"We could have taken her home, it's starting enought to rain."

Raindrops drummed more and more on the windshield of the car

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Raindrops drummed more and more on the windshield of the car.

"She can handle it, she said so herself, didn't she?" she answered him. Tommy didn't answer. He didn't want to say anything inappropriate.

His mother drove slowly down the wet road and Tommy just watched the road.

The rain was joined by a strong wind. The sky was completely black now.

The Clarks' car drove straight and headed for the traffic lights. However, the wind was disrupting the electric current. Lights flickered all around and it was hard to focus on the road.

"Where are you in such a hurry?" Tommy asked as his mother continued to accelerate. She seemed nervous.

"To home." she replied.

The car stopped at the crossing. Mrs. Clark flashed her lights at a person standing on the edge, giving it a signal that he could cross. The traffic lights have already gone out completely.

It was a girl. Her dark hair was drenched in rain and her clothes were soaked. It didn't matter what she looked like, Tommy would recognize her anywhere. It was Mia.

She quickly waved at the driver as a thank you and hurried across the road which was full of water.

She was scooping water into her shoes.

"What's taking her so long?" thundered Tommy's mother. She didn't even wait for Tommy's answer. She stepped on the gas and drove.

"Mom stop!" Tommy shouted but it was too late. The car caught the end of the girl's backpack on her back and pulled her towards it.

The girl fell on the hood of the car and rolled down to the ground.

Through the windshield wipers that were on to wipe the excess water away, Tommy saw the direct impact of the girl's body on the hood.

Through the windshield wipers that were on to wipe the excess water away, Tommy saw the direct impact of the girl's body on the hood

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An ambulance took the girl to the hospital. She was unconscious, had bruises all over her body and a few bloody wounds.

When her mother found out that the car that hit Mia belonged to the Clarks, she didn't even want to see them. After losing her husband, her daughter was all she had.

Blood Hunt/(Tommy Clark, Dax) EGWhere stories live. Discover now