Over a bracelet

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Azula got home and went straight up to her room. She waited until school was finally over and then called Sokka.

"Hey Azula, what's up?" Sokka says when he answers.
"I want you to take off that bracelet" she responds immediately.
"You heard me, I don't want you wearing that bracelet Sokka"
"Why? It was a gift from someone"
"Yeah a gift from a girl that likes you and now you're flaunting around the bracelet she made you"
"Well I wouldn't say I'm flaunting it, I just find it mean to not wear it"
"Why is it mean?"
"Well because she took time making it for me"
"Because she likes you Sokka! How many times have I told you! She's friends with Suki!"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"They both don't like me, hence why I got into a fight with them!"
"You got into a fight over a bracelet?"
"It wasn't over a bracelet! Some stuff was said and I got mad. Look, just take it off"
"Why? It's just a bracelet"
"I don't care what it is! It's just that the person who gave it to you likes you and her intentions behind it were more than just a gift!"
"Azula you're overthinking it"
"No I'm not! Stop wearing that stupid bracelet! Why do you even want to wear it so bad?!"
"Because it was a nice gift from a friend. Look, I don't want to argue over the phone, can we talk about this in person?"
"I'm not talking to you until I see that you've taken off the bracelet"
"Are you serio-" Sokka was cut off by Azula hanging up and ending their phone call.

She was really mad. She knows that she should be trying to control herself but she just couldn't. Why was he so adamant about keeping this bracelet?! It pissed her off!

Just then she heard the front door open downstairs and her dad calling her to come downstairs. She begrudgingly went downstairs to listen to what her father had to say.

He asked for the story and she told him all about the bracelet and how insults were said (never naming what the insults were) and how things escalated.

"So this is all over a bracelet?" Ozai said
"No! It isn't over a bracelet! Why is everyone saying that?!" Yelled Azula
"Well because that's what it sounds like. You're mad because she gave Sokka a bracelet"
"It isn't just that! Oh my god, I'm not explaining it five million times!"
"Ok Azula you don't have to get mad, we're just talking"
"I know! But I'm getting mad because I've had the same conversation three times already!"
"Ok Azula, just try to calm down"
"Stop saying that! I'm trying! You saying calm down just makes it worse! Just leave me control myself on my own!"
"Ok, I'm sorry"
"Good! I'm going back upstairs and I don't want to talk about this anymore!" Azula said before she stormed off to her room and just stayed in there for the rest of the night.
The next day, Azula walked into math class (still in a bad mood from yesterday) and saw that Sokka hadn't taken off the bracelet. She was pissed and decided to go up to him.

"Do you enjoy it when I'm mad at you?" She said to him.
"What? Of course not" Sokka responds
"Clearly you do. That or you just like making me mad"
"Azula that's not true"
"Seems true. Anyways, I said I wasn't talking to you until you took that thing off. I hope she's worth it" Azula says before sitting at her desk.

Sokka just hangs his head down in defeat, not knowing what to do. He doesn't like not putting to use the gifts people got him but on the other hand, he doesn't like being in a fight with Azula and making her mad.

The bell rang and the teacher explained how they'd work in pairs today. Azula made her way over to Ty lee's desk instead of Sokka's, whom she usually partners up with. Yue saw that he was alone and went to go sit next to him.

"Mind if we woke together?" She asks
"Oh, not at all, sit" he says and she takes a seat next to him.
"How come you aren't with Azula?"
"Oh she's mad at me..."
"Uh well actually because of the gift you got me... didn't you guys fight about it yesterday?"
"Yeah and we have detention for the rest of the week. But why is she mad at you? I thought she was only mad at me"
"She's mad because I'm wearing it"
"What? But that's the whole point"
"Yeah well she says it's because you like me or something like that and had ulterior motives when you gave me the bracelet"
"That's ridiculous! Does she expect you to never have any friends that are girls or something?!"
"I don't know..."
"That's pretty toxic behaviour if you ask me"
"No, don't say that. She isn't toxic"
"Well it seems like it. Just seems very controlling to me"
"No, I don't think so..."
"Well she doesn't want you having any friends of the opposite gender, she gets mad at you because of a gift that your friend got you. Personally, I wouldn't like it if my partner was like that"
"I guess so... but there are really good stuff about her too"
"Yeah but sometimes the bad outweighs the good. It can only take one bad thing and all the good stuff is meaningless"
"What are you saying?"
"Well maybe she isn't right for you..."
"No... it's not that... she's just mad, I'll give her some space"
"Ok Sokka... well you can eat lunch with me today if you want"
"Oh I was planning on just sitting Aang and the others"
"You can come with me"
"Uh don't you sit with Suki...?"
"Yeah but it's ok"
"Um you sure? We didn't really end stuff on the best of terms"
"No, I'm saying it's ok for today because Suki is absent"
"Oh really?" Sokka looks around the class and doesn't spot Suki.
"See, she's not here, come sit with me"
"Azula might get mad..."
"So what? Don't let her have control over you like that Sokka. You don't deserve that"
"..... ok, I'll eat lunch with you today"
"Great, it'll be fine, you'll see"

Sokka just nodded in response. He was a little scared because he thought would definitely get mad but then he thought about it a bit more... Yue was right. Azula couldn't dictate who Sokka was friends with, nor who he ate lunch with and especially what accessories he could wear, even if it was a gift from another girl.

He was going to eat lunch with Yue even if Azula definitely wouldn't approve.

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