Love and apologies

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Yue walked into math class Monday and saw Sokka sitting at his desk looking a little upset.

"Hey did you and Azula make up?" Yue went up to him and asked
"No... I texted her a few times over the weekend but she didn't respond. I guess she's still mad at me..."

"Perfect" Yue thought. Now she could help out Sokka and he'd realize that he's better off with her.
"Oh I'm sorry about that. I'm sure she'll come around eventually"
"Hopefully... what if she doesn't though?"
"Well then that's too bad for her. If she doesn't forgive you that just means she doesn't appreciate you and doesn't deserve you. You're a great guy Sokka, I hope you know that"
"Hm, thanks Yue" Sokka said with a smile
"No problem" she smiled back and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Azula walked into class and saw Sokka talking to Yue. She was still mad at him from their fight but was starting to cool down a little bit. That was until she saw Yue touching Sokka's shoulder and him doing nothing about it.

"What's wrong with him?! Why is he being so nonchalant about her touching him like that?! She obviously likes him!" Azula thought to herself. She pretty much ready to apologize to Sokka and forgive him but seeing that made her even more upset. She couldn't believe him.
It was now lunch and this time Sokka was eating with Aang, Katara and Yue. He was going to try to talk to Azula so he can apologize and they could finally make up.

"Oh I just saw Azula get up and head to the lockers. I'm gonna go talk to her" said Sokka after seeing Azula leave where she was sitting.
"Good luck man" says Aang
"Why do you even care Sokka?" Said Katara
"Because she's my girlfriend and I want to make up with her"
"Ok fine, whatever. Good luck I guess..."
"Tell us what happens" says Yue
"Yeah, I will. I'm gonna go now" he says as he gets up and finds Azula at their locker.

"Hey Azula, how are you?"
"I'm fine"
"Oof, bad sign..." Sokka says to himself. He knows that means she is definitely not fine.
"Hey so can we talk?" He says
"About what?"
"Well about what happened Friday..."
"Look, I don't want to talk about this right now. This isn't the place to do it"
"Well then can I come by your house after school? I just want us to not be mad at each other anymore"
"... fine, come over at 4"
"Great, I'll see you then" Sokka wanted to hug her or give her a little kiss but he couldn't because she walked away too fast. Oh well, at least she agreed to talk.
Sokka got to Azula's house and knocked on the door. He was greeted by Zuko.
"Oh hey Sokka"
"Hey Zuko, where's Azula?"
"Oh she's in her room. Come in" he says and then lets Sokka in.
"Great, thanks" he says as he starts going upstairs.
"Hey just because my parents aren't here doesn't mean you guys can have sex, I'm still here"
"What? No, that isn't why I came here"
"Ok good, I don't wanna hear that"
"You won't have to, don't worry" Sokka says and then enters Azula's room.

"Azula, I'm here" he says. She's on her bed and he goes and sits next to her.
"I can see that"
"Hehe well I came here to talk... look I'm sorry about what I said and how I came across"
"Is that so?"
"Yes, it's so. My choice of words were really wrong and I didn't want to come across that way. I absolutely do not regret making you my girlfriend and I'm not ashamed of you"
"It sounded like you were"
"No I was just ashamed of myself for hurting Suki. I won't ever be ashamed that you're my girlfriend. You're amazing and I'm super happy that we're together"
"Yes really. I'm glad that we stopped hating each other and that we got together because I feel like we really do have something good here"
"I think that too. Oh and I'm also sorry for how I acted... I shouldn't have flipped out on you without trying to understand your feelings. I'm sorry"
"It's ok" ,he says and then kisses her on the cheek, "Hey Azula"
"I love you"
Azula's eyes widened in shock after she heard what he said. "Wait what... are you being for real? You actually love me?"
"Yeah I really do... I realized I did because of how badly I wanted to make up with you and how sad I would've been if we didn't. I'm sorry if I sprung it on you..."
"No no, it's ok... I love you too Sokka"
"Yeah, really"
"I'm so happy to hear that!" He says and then he grabs her face and kisses her.

She wraps her arms around his neck and starts kissing him back. He rolls on top of her and lets his hands roam her body. She moans into the kiss when he starts groping her chest. She then pulls off his shirt and starts kissing his broad shoulders.

"Oh Azula wait..."
"Mm what is it?"
"Your brother is home"
"Yeah so what?"
"Well... you know what, never mind" he says and then takes off Azula's shirt and buries his head between her chest. She giggles as she takes his hair out of his little ponytail and starts running her hands through it.

Sokka then reaches behind her to unclip her bra and then takes it off.
"You're the most beautiful girl in the world, I'm so lucky" he says as he starts kissing and licking all over her chest.

She pulled off her pants and then started fumbling with his belt. She took it off and then also pulled down his pants.

He moved down to kiss her neck while pulling down her underwear.
"I love you so much" he said in between kisses
"I love you too" , she said while smiling, "Now come on, don't make me wait anymore"
"As you wish" he says while pulling down his underwear and then pushed himself inside her.

Both of them let out a gasp at the same time and Sokka moved up to kiss her and then started thrusting into her. They both tried to quiet so Zuko wouldn't hear them.

Sokka couldn't stop thinking about how much he loved everything about her. How nice she is, how confident she is, how beautiful she is, how fucking amazing she made him feel.

He quickened his pace as he felt his climax come closer. He can tell she was also getting close because she started scratching his back pretty hard.

He kept pounding into her until they both finished and then he collapsed on top of her.

"Mm you're so amazing baby" he said while wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck.
"You're even more amazing"
"Impossible. Hm, I really hate to say this but I have to go... my dad wanted me home by 5:30"
"What time is it now?"
"It's 5:15"
"Aw dang, ok then"

He got off her and started getting dressed. He couldn't stop smiling, he never felt this happy in his life. He finished getting dressed and went over to Azula and gave her a kiss.
"Mm bye my love, I'll see you tomorrow"
"Bye Sokka" she said with a smile as he left her room and made his way downstairs.

"You guys are fucking disgusting..." said Zuko when he saw Sokka coming down the stairs.
"Sorry buddy, we tried not being too loud"
"Gross. Just leave"
"Yeah, bye Zuko" Sokka says as he leaves her house, feeling the happiest man on the planet.

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