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It was finally the day of their prom. Their last hoorah of high school. Azula had spent most of the day getting dressed and getting her hair and makeup done. Once she had finally she called Sokka over to come pick her up (he had passed his driving exam). Mai was already over and was with Zuko because Sokka was also going to drive them to the venue along with Azula.

Sokka knocked on her front door when he had finally gotten there and Zuko answered.
"Hey Zuko, you look good in that suit" Sokka says and then enters the house.
"Thanks man, you too"
They walk in to the living room where Mai and Azula's parents are sitting.

"Hey Mai. Hi Ozai, hi Ursa" he says to greet them.
"Hello Sokka, how are you feeling?" Says Ursa
"Excited, it's going to be a fun night. Where's Azula by the way?"
"Oh she's upstairs because she wants to do this like big reveal because she's always so extra" says Zuko.

"Shut up Zuko, I heard that!" Screams Azula from upstairs. "Sokka is here right? Sokka, turn around while I come down the downstairs"
"Ok sure" Sokka says then turns to face away from the stairs, "I'm ready"

Azula starts walking down the stairs and stop right in front of Sokka.
"Ok, turn around"
Sokka turns around and his jaw drops immediately.
"Wow Azula..."
"You like?"
"Azula, you're absolutely beautiful. I love it, I love it all"
"Aw thank you"
"Can I kiss you? I don't want to ruin your makeup"
"Of course" she says and leans in and kisses him.
Sokka wraps his arms around her waist and keeps kissing her.

"Ok that's enough of that" says Ozai "Come take pictures"
"Mm ok. Come here Sokka" Azula says and then wraps her arm around him, ready to take a picture. Sokka also wraps his arm around her waist and they both smile for the picture that Ozai then takes.
"Oh we look so good together Sokka" Azula says after seeing the picture Ozai took on her phone.
"Yeah you're really pretty"
"And you look very handsome in your suit. You did a good job with the colour of your tie, see how we match"
"Yeah I see, it's really nice. Anyways let's go, I'm also picking up Ty lee" Sokka says.

The four of them all leave the house and get in Sokka's car. He drives to Ty lee's house and also picks her up. They drive over to the venue, take pictures together dance for a while. After a bit they took a break and sat down.

"Guys I'm having so much fun" says Azula
"Yeah me too, I've never enjoyed myself as much as right now" says Ty Lee
"Yeah. I'm so lucky to have you all as my friends. I don't know where I'd be without you guys in my life" Azula continues "And well Zuzu is cool too I guess"
"Oh shut up" says Zuko
"Come on, everyone here is an amazing person and we're clearly the best friend group in the school" says Sokka
"Yeah we are" says Azula and then puts her arms around Mai and Ty lee.

As they continued to talk, a slow song started playing.
"Sokka come on, let's dance" Azula says and then grabs Sokka's arm and brings him to the dance floor.
"Azula I'm terrible at dancing" he says
"Don't worry, it's easy. Put your arms around my waist" Azula says as she wraps her own arms around his neck. Sokka puts his arms around her waist. Azula starts swaying side to side and Sokka follows her rhythm.

"See, it's easy" says Azula as they dance
"Yeah I guess it is. It's nice to dance with you" he says and holds her tighter.
"Yeah, it's really nice. Hopefully we'll have more chances to dance together in the future"
"Well I can think of one occasion..." Sokka says and blushes slightly.
"Well hopefully we'll get to that point, but I was talking about our future wedding..."
"Aw you're so cute. Don't worry, I have faith in us. I think we'll make it, we're in it for the long haul"
"We sure are" he says and kisses her. "Mm I love you, Azula"
"I love you too Sokka, I've had an amazing night with you"
Sokka and Azula went over to Azula's house after the prom had ended. Ty lee went home, Mai went back to her house accompanied by Zuko. Sokka and Azula were alone since Ozai and Ursa weren't home either.

"So you're sure your parents won't come home any time tonight?" Asks Sokka as they walk up to her room.
"No, my dad booked some fancy hotel that has a spa and a casino and stuff. They're out for the weekend"
"Oh, you think they're gonna do the same thing as us?" Sokka jokes
"Ew Sokka! Don't make me think of that! It'll ruin the mood!"
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to make a joke, wasn't funny. How about I make it up to you?" He says and then kisses her.

Azula starts kissing him back and they enter her room. Sokka slowly starts fumbling with the zipper on her dress.
"Mm one sec Azula, I don't want to ruin your dress" he says
"Ok I'll turn around, just unzip it" she says and then turns around.
Sokka slowly unzips it and pushes it off her shoulders. He takes it off of her and puts it on her chair instead of just throwing it on the floor.
"Your dress was beautiful my love" he says and kisses her shoulder.
"Thank you Sokka" she says as she starts undoing his bow tie and undoing the buttons on his dress shirt. He took off his blazer so that Azula could take off the dress shirt. They continued undressing each other while kissing until they were both fully unclothed.

Sokka pushed Azula onto her bed and got on top of her. He held her in a tight embrace after pushing himself inside of her and was whispering sweet little nothings in her ear while going at a slower pace than usual. He wanted to embrace the moment with her, he didn't want to rush anything tonight.
"I love you so much, Azula. You're so beautiful" he was whispering to her while kissing her neck. She wrapped her arms tightly around him and was lightly scratching his back. A few moments later, they both reached their climax together and Sokka rolled off next to her.

"I know I keep saying it, but I love you so much" says Sokka.
"It's ok, I'll never get tired of hearing it. I love you too" she responds.
"I had a really amazing night with you" he says and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
"So did I. I don't think I'll ever get tired of spending time with you"
"Me neither. I'm always so happy when I'm around you. You make me so happy"
"Aw Sokka, you make me happy too. I swear if we never got together I don't think I'd be in the same place as I am right now. You're an amazing person and your positive energy really rubs off on people. You've made me so happy and really help me get through a lot of stuff Sokka"
"I'm glad to hear that. You've also made me a better person Azula. You might not realize it, but you have. I know we've had our ups and downs but I really think we'll go far together. I seriously can't wait to marry you one day"
"I can't wait to marry you one day too" she says as she cuddles up for him and nuzzles her head in the crook of his shoulder. He wraps his arms around her in a tight embrace.

"Good night my love. I had an amazing time and I can't wait to make more memories with you" he says and kisses her on the head.

A/N: So this was the last chapter. Thank you to anyone who made it this far and liked the story. I'll surely write some sort of epilogue as a real final chapter.
Thanks for reading :)

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