moving on up.

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Derion(P.O.V.) me and kailana officially moved into the apartment 2 days ago, last week she went to IKEA and furnished the place and had movers move it in yesterday and today she's getting dishes and I'm stuck at the apartment hanging up clothes and stuff.

I heard the door close "babe can you come here I need your help" kailana shouted from the front.

She had like 5 sets of different dishes.

"Kailana what the hell is this?" I said picking up the boxes and sitting them on the island.

"Well I bought this set for thanksgiving and this set for Christmas and this one for new years and this one is out fall dishes and these are our summer/spring ones" she said smiling like a child in a candy shop.

"I guess Kai i'ma let yo little ass do you" I sighed unpacking the dishes.

"Oh I bought silverware and champagne glass set and a tea set and these pots and pans and knife set and blenders and kitchen utensils" she said sitting more bags down.

"Damn kai, we really need all this" I asked.

"Um yes" she said. "Are you done with the closet?" She asked sitting stuff in places.

"Yeah I just need to finish the shoe rack" I said.

"Okay well can you finish this I need to go grocery shopping we have no food" kailana said rushing out the door.

I finished with the dishes then went in our guess room grabbing the flat screen and cable set and began setting it up, and then did the one in our room.

Kailana(P.O.V.) I went outside to the curb and stood for a cab waving my hand, finally after 10 minutes one came my way.

"Where too miss" the cab driver said when I got in.

"Um to a nearby grocery store." I said.

We drove around and he dropped me off at Walmart and I got out paying him then

I walked in Walmart grabbing a basket and going to the grocery part and grabbed fresh fruits, vegetables, snacks and meats and waters and sodas. I was walking to the front check out and bumped into a basket looking up I seen this skinny light skin dude with tats all over.

"Oh I'm sorry baby girl" he said looking at me.

"No I wasn't paying attention, um have a nice day sorry for bumping into your cart" I said turning left and began walking.

"Aye wait" the dude yelled after me and jogged over. "Didn't even let a nigga get your name or anything, you gorgeous ain't finnuh lie" he said smiling.

"Oh sorry I'm engaged, but thank you that was sweet" I smiled walking off.

"Engaged doesn't mean y'all married though" he said.

I rolled my eyes and turned around "yeah but I'm faithful and he's a keeper so if you would let me be on my way"

"I'm Dennis by the way" he smiled.


"Beautiful name, well kailana I hope to see you again, friend" he smiled and walked around me.

I scoffed and paid for my items and left getting another cab, I can't wait to get my car shipped out here cause this cab shit ain't working for me.

I got to the apartments and heard a couple arguing.

"Tod I don't want her anymore so I'm gonna sell her" the lady said looking down at this beautiful white fur blue eyed husky.

"Ok honey go on and sale her I don't care its your mothers dog" the dude said.

"Um excuse me I don't mean to barge in your conversation but if you don't mind I'll buy her" I said smiling.

"Really like right now" the lady asked.

I nodded and smiled.

"Ok well she's 100" the lady said

I dug in my purse grabbing my wallet and taking out my check book "will you take a check?" I asked.

"Absolutely" she smiled.

"Um does she have her shots?" I asked.

"Yes mam she actually just go them today" the lady said digging in her purse grabbing the records.

"Oh ok well here you are" I said handing her the check while she handed me the leash.

"Take good care of her for us Mrs...?" The guy trailed off.

"Soon to be Perez, kailana... So nice to meet you both and I will" I smiled.

"Oh okay I'm Tod Murphy" the guy shook my hand.

"Uh does she have a name?" I asked.

"Nala" the girl said.

"Ok.. Let's go nala, bye guys thanks for the dog" I chuckled walking in.

"Clair, do you guys have a pet fee" I asked walking to the lobby desk.

"Yes, $100" she said.

I sighed digging in my purse and giving her the 2 $50 bills.

"Have a nice day Mrs.Perez" she smiled I nodded walking to the elevator and holding all the groceries and nala was wrapping her leash around my legs

"Awe come on nala why now" I whined trying to untagle my feet.

The elevator dinged and I got off walking to the apartment unlocking the door.

"Hey baby you back?" Derion said walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah and I brought a new roomie" I smiled sitting the groceries on the island.

"Roomie.. What the hell you- what the fuck is this kailana!" Derion said looking at nala.

I bit down on my lip and shrugged.
"Nala, look I was bringing up the groceries and seen her, the owners were selling her so I got her she's so cute baby" I said.

"No she gotta go" derion shook his head.

"Derion please soon y'all gonna start the season and you won't be home as much and I hate being alone so I got her for company plus she's adorable" I poked my bottom lip out.

"You lucky I love ya lil ass" he said pointing at me.

"Aww thank you baby" I said hoping in him.

Short I know,the chaos will get longer.... But yeah y'all know what to do vote,comment & share.

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