Open Fire

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Derion(P.O.V.) I hurriedly switched lanes in my Bentley to get to the adress the unknown number sent me, I had to go save Trina and my unbron son.

"Come on come on come on" I said to myself while waiting for the red light to turn green, I could feel the beads of sweat on my forhead and my body shook with rage and anger.

I glanced at my phone lying in the passenger seat and seen Kailana calling for the sixth time, I sent her a text saying "I was alright" because if I told her what I was doing she would freak out and I didn't want her panicking.

I arrived to the adress and got out the car taking a deep breath and scoped around the abandoned property and walked calmly up the wodden stairs to the front porch and silently prayed the lord kept my son, Trina and I safe.

I knocked on the door and got no answer, I twisted on the door knob and it opened.

"Hello? Trina?" I called out looking around, I heard someone chuckle from the corner and turned around flashing my phone light and seen someone with a black faceless mask on and they slowly clapped.

"Congratulations you found us" the person said chuckling.

"Where the fuck is she and who the fuck are you?" I demanded.

"You know who I am, I know who you are, You don't know your bestfriend and you aren't your "child's" father" He said walking closer.

I began feeling uneasy and nauseous while I stared him down, what did he mean I'm not my Son's father?

"Tell me where she is" I yelled at him I was beginning to get inpatient with the game this man was playing.

"Alright Derion, your wish is my command you damsel in destres awaits you in the attic" he deeply chuckled.

I ran up the stairs immediately seeing the ladder to the attic and climed them .

"Trina! Trina?!" I said worriedly.

"I'm in the corner Derion" she sniffled.

I ran to the corner and seen her back facing me.

"Come on you're safe with me, lets go"I said.

"I'm sorry I had to do this"She cried.

"What?" I said stepping back in confusion.

She turned around with a metal bat and swung making me lean back.

"Trina what the fuck?" I yelled.

"I have to kill you for my son" She cried continuing to swing.

"No the fuck you don't it's my son too" I yelled ducking behind boxes.

She hit the boxes for a second and cried shaking her head before coming at me again.

"He's not your son derion I'm sorry" she yelled

"What are you talking about" I said angrily.

"He's not yours" she cried.

"I roofied him the night of he doesn't know" she cried.

"What are you saying? Who's son is he?" I said.

"He's.... He's.... I can't tell you" She cried.

"Tell him!" The guy with the mask said pointing a gun at her.

"No you might as well kill me!" She yelled.

"Fine bitch" he said taking his gun of safety.

"Don't shoot!" I said jumping in front of her, I felt something hit my chess and everything soon went.....Dark.

Kailana(P.O.V.) Everything was moving in slow motion it felt like as I ran down the hallways of the hospital, I could see the the front desk ahead of me but it felt so far away.

"I'm here for Derion Perez, Im his wife Kailana Perez" I said frantically.

The nurse looked at me and nodded while hurridly typing she printed out a peice of paper handing it to me

"This is his room number and wear this badge so his bodyguards know not to let you in" She smiled.

I rushed to the elevator and impatiently waited on the ride to the floor he was on, I silently prayed while I got a gut punch feeling walking towards his room and my eyes welted up with tears. The guards seen me and one ran too my side as paparazzi seen me approaching and started asking questions and taking pictures.

"Step away from Mrs.Perez" the gaurd said holding his arm up so they couldn't get a clear picture of me.

I walked in Derions room hearing nothing but machine beeps, I moved the curtain and he looked at me giving me a sympathetic smile giving me a wave of relief.

"Oh my god baby I was so worried" I cried rushing to his bed side.

"I'm fine babygirl stop crying" He said kissing my lips.

"Are you okay where did you get injured?" I frantically questioned.

"He shot next to my heart but my surgery went well and I'm okay, I will recover well baby" He said.

"I'm sorry this happened to you" I cried kissing him.

"Shes dead Kai"Derion said softly.

"Who?No oh my gosh" I said worriedly.

"Yes shes dead and the baby... I don't know who the guy was and I-I couldn't protect her but I tried kailana" His voice cracked.

"Oh my god Baby I'm so sorry, you're strong and not alone we'll get threw this together" I comforted him

I will stand by him and make him stranger.

The End.

Guys "Forever (trilogy of "differences") will be out soon...stay tuned

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