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Derion(P.O.V) I got home and seen blankets and pillows on the little key table thing we got in the hallway with a note on it.

"Im serious, your sleeping on the couch tonight buddy. Dont come bother me I'll speak to you when i speak to you! You're lucky i love you i left you a plate in the fride just in case"

I rolled my eyes and dropped my bag by the hall closet, I'll sleep on the couch but im gonna change out my clothes and take a shower.

I walked to me and kailanas room and opened the door quietly and closed it behind me gently, nala jumped off the bed abd started barking.

"Shhhh nala its just daddy" i said she recognized my voice and jumped on me, i picked her up and rubbed her and sat her back down.

I walked in the bathroom and took my clothes off running the shower and got in.

"Uh um" i heard someone clear their throat.

"Fuck" i whispered.

"Yeah nigga fuck is right. Derion i thought i told you to not bother me why aren't you in the living roon?"

"Kailana I'm gonna sleep in there can i just come in here in my house take a much needed shower and get comfortable without hearing you bitch at me for once damn".

"You have the fucking nerve bitch at you? Really? Maybe i wouldn't have to bitch at you if you just communicated with me or listened to me something you havent been doing lately for whatever reason"

"Because I've been busting my ass, what do you think i do, go to the gym and sit all day just chill and play recreationally, no i go and i pratice cause thats the only way i can get in the game to get paid more to take care of you to pay your car insurance your health insurance our rent and put money in your account, sorry i haven't been really listening to you to you talk about planning the wedding that doesnt need to be planned i dont care about it we can go to acourt house today tand get married i dont need an audience kailana you do"

"Pay for my shit really? Well earth to derion I PAY FOR MY OWN SHIT CAUSE I GOT MY OWN FUCKING JOB!! Dont play that "i pay for you" card the rent maybe but i put my own money in my own bank account i pay my health insurance i pay my car insurance and derion fuck you I just would like a call maybe a text saying your taking someone home from pratice or something, all i ask from you is to listen that's all i wanf but lately talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, you don't care about anything you think im just bitching im not though im just hurt" she said starting to cry.

I felt bad, she was right "kailan loo-"

"Save it derion, you can sleep in the bed. Im going to moe's tonight, i don't want to be around you right now".

I turned off the water getting out i wrapped a towel around my waist and followed her in the room grabbing her arm.

"Baby listen, im sorry"

"Yeah well i dont care thats all you've been saying lately, i don't feel like hearing it"

"Kailana for real, so your just gonna leave?"

She tucked her hair behind her ear and grabbed her bag with her clothes "for tonight maybe two days i dont know, i just i cant talk to you right now i might do something i regret".

"Like what?"

"Nothing... Just leave me alone"

I woke up with the alarm going off i didnt really get sleep last night my bed didn't feel right without kai in it.

I really thought about what she said and felt like an asshole saying i didnt care about the wedding knowing how much she cares about it and throwing money in her face.

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