New Addition.

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Kailana(P.O.V.) I came out the bathroom with the test in my hand I haven't looked at it yet, I was to nervous.

"Well?" Derion asked.

"It say's that I'm pregnant!!!" I squealed.

Derions face lit up and a smile spread.

"Your pregnant,you sure baby?" He stood up.

I nodded and smiled as tears of joy fell from my eyes.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna have a family! The lord blessed me with a family" derion said as he picked me up.

I kissed his lips and giggled.

We're gonna have a family.


I slipped on my grey leggings and matching sweatshirt from PINK and grabbed my all white hurraches. Today I was gonna have my first appointment with my new doctor and see if I'm really pregnant, even though both of the test I took came out positive.

I finally got to my doctors office and sat in the waiting room to be called back, I looked around the office and seen a couple of pregnant women and smiled.

"Kailana Rodriguez" A nurse called out from behind a door.

"Oh that's me"I said as stood up and approached the door.

"Hi we're gonna have you back in room four today" She smiled.

I walked into the room and sat on the exam bed, sighing.

"So your here for a check-up, pregnancy test and if your pregnant your hoping for an ultrasound" She smiled again.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Okay well, lets take your blood pressure and weight. Then we'll have you pee for us and after we get the final results we'll have the doctor come in".

After doing everything she asked, I went back in the room and anxiously waited for the results, my phone started ringing and it was derion calling.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey baby, have you found anything out." He said.

"No, I'm waiting for results right now" I smiled.

"Alright I-"

"Knock, Knock. Hello Ms. Rodriguez I'm your your new Doctor, Dr.Anna Wright, you can call me Anna or Dr.Wright whichever suits you" She smiled.

"Baby, the results are in I'll call you back." I said to derion, hanging up.

"I'm sorry, I didnt realize you were in a phone call" Shevsaid sitting down

"It's fine, it was just my fiancé being nosey" I waved her off.

She chuckled "Well lets get this party started, there's good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first?" She asked.

A knot formed in my stomach when she said bad news, if I'm not pregnant I would just loose my mind.

"Good news" I said.

"Ok well you are..."


Derion(P.O.V.) I was at work, anxious to find out if Kailana and I were really going to start a family, I pray that she's pregnant cause it'll only bring us closer.

"Baby, the results are in I'll call you back." Kailana hung up.

"Damn" I sighed, rubbing my head.

I got up off the bench and walked to the vending machines to get me some food.

"Aye wassup with you, looking all nervous and shit" Jamal said.

I didn't know if kai wanted to keep this possible pregnancy a secret and tell everyone at one time or jusr didnt care.

So I acted as if everything was fine "I'm fine man, I'm good just man these drills got me going" I laughed.

"Well season started, drills, routines  pratices all the shit gonns get harder  times ten" Jamal laughed with me buying a Gatorade.

"Shit who you telling, everyone talking shit about samari about how he scored 10 and got hella fouls, this nigga" I laughed

"Man ol'girl left him for a girl his head wasn't in the game" Jamal said as we walked back to the gym.

"Got damn, thats some bull" I said.


I got home and sat my keys on the the table by the door.

"Baby" I called out for kailana.

"In the kitchen" she said.

I walked in the kitchen and seen her over the stove cooking dinner.


"I'M PREGNANT!!!" She screamed running to me and jumped on me.

"Forreal baby!" I said in shock.

"Yes 3 weeks to be exact im almost a month, and the only bad thing is I have low blood pressure"

"We can fix that but the good thing is we're gonna have family" I kissed her.

"Yeah I know, but the thing is we gotta ya know, change the wedding date" She said.

I raised my eyebrow sitting her down "change it to what?"

"March or April, I'll be showing soon and I love the dress I have now and I'm really not trynna look big in my dress baby" she said

"Ok, whatever date you choose is fine with me, whens the due date?" I asked

"August 26th" she chuckled.

"Oh shit, I can't wait".

We finnuh have a family y'all.

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They pregnant!.

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