figure it out.

41 0 2

Derion(P.O.V.) i looked at the girl and back at kailana.

"Are you gonna tell me why there's a toddler in our apartment and why you shushing me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes wrapping her towel around her tighter "hold on let me lay her back down" she said picking up the girl and walking back to the rooms.

She came out the hallway and back into the living room.

"Care to explain" i said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a voss out the fridge.

"Will you let me get the words out my mouth first damn." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright" i sighed leaning on the island.

"Alright so um her name is janicia she's Mya's daughter" she said

I recoiled my neck and looked at her like she just died and came back alive "Mya's daughter? Fuck you mean? Like Mya from freshman year of college?"

"Yes Mya"

"Why the fuck you so casusal 'yes mya'' you do remember all that shit she pulled right and oh yeah she kidnapped and almost killed you?!"

"Derion calm down, its a long story so anywhos she got in contact with me and she had lunch today and she needed help like truly and she needed someone to watch janicia for the weekend and i said yeah"

"No im not gonna calm down what she need help for"

"Cause she's trying to buy a bouse for her and her child! No I'm not saying the shit she did was cool derion but i can tell when someone need genuine help and she does so i took on the task"

I shook my head and waved her off "you know what kailana do what ever the fuck you want I dont even care anymore your ass can't ever listen so oh well." I shrugged

"What the fuck is your problem derion the girl is 4 you act like she's a demon, jesus teaches you even when someone treats you evil you dont have to do the same back no need to be petty treat them with kindness, I'm not gonna leave someone when they're in need derion"

"Alright, I don't give a fuck is all I'm saying is you could've told me or asked me or give me a heads up or something"

"Your right and I apologize but your overreacting right now" she said.

"No I'm not I honestly feel lile what your doing is rude as fuck cause I mean I do pay the bills here so no im not overreacting when abother living body is sharing my house with me without notice"

She sheepishly chuckled and shoom her head "Wow there you go with that money shit again, your fucking unbelievable derion like you really are" she said plainly and walked off.

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my keys and phone walking down the hallway to the elevator and called trina.

"Hello?" She sang in the phone.

"What you doing Bestfriend?"

"Chillen like a villan son" she chuckled.

"Your a weirdo"

"I know buddy, what are you doing"

"Im finnuh roll up gimmie like 30 minutes and I'll be over there"


I hung up.


"Damn, i don't think what she did was ok honestly" trina said sitting back drinking her wine cooler.

"Naw forreal, and she was just chilling talking bout that girl need help shit pissed me off"

"Do you ever think kailana's in it for the money?" Trina asked looking at me.

"Nah i don't believe so i mean she got a job and can live the life style she living now without me" i said.

"Well i don't know she pays one bill in the houshold she shares an account of her own but has her own separate account derion it sounds a little sketch"

"So what you trynna say?"

She shrugged her shoulders "well if you want to see if its real file a prenuptial agreement"

"A prenup?"


I laughed "oh hell naw she aint gonna sign that she gonna think i dont trust her"

"Its not even about trust, if she loved you derion she would sign it"

"Man this shit stressful" i leaned back on the couch i felt trina straddle my lap and began kissing me neck and tugging at the bottom of my shirt.

"Well let me be your stress reliever".


Kailana(P.O.V.) I sat in my room crying dialing derions number again it kept going to voicemail, i hate arguing with him, i felt bad fpr not telling him but at the same time he was overreacting a tad bit.

My phone rang and i answered not checking caller I.D.

"Hello? Derion.. Baby..." I said.

"Um am i calling at a bad time?" The girl voice said .

"Um no who is this? "

"It's Mya i was just calling to check on janicia, is she being good?" She chuckled.

I plastered a smile on my face as if she could see me "she's doing fine, she's um sleeping right now but she us such an angel"

"Alright that makes me feel better i was calling on my break i gotta get back out on stage I'll call tomorrow morning thanks so much for this really kailana it means so much"

"Your welcome" i hung up laying back on my bed, nala jumped on my lap and laid over my legs.

"At least you love me" i chuckled hugging her and she made some weird dog noise.

Once again sorry for short chapter but share,comment and vote.

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