Lily and Marlene wanted to ask so many questions but held themselves back as their professor had asked them to. Lily had given Mira a change of clothes, black leggings and a white t -shirt, and a hairbrush so she could tame her hair. In no time the rest of the girls in the dorm had woken up and introduced themselves to Mira before going to get ready as well. Marlene talked enough so Mira's silence didn't look as bad as she thought it would. She even found herself laughing in he company of those girls .Around eight everyone had gone down for breakfast, while Lily and Mira were left behind, thinking that it would be best to go down when the common room was almost empty.
"So.." Lily started hesitantly while bringing her hair into a low ponytail "Our group of friends is a little..chaotic. Don't worry I will not let them pester you too much, but I cannot-"
"I don't mind a little chaos Lily" Mira who was getting the shoes Alice gave her on, said with a chuckle.
"Oh trust me, we're talking about a lot of chaos. Honestly we should just sit somewhere else. You just got to Hogwarts, I don't want you to have a bad first day...well even if it's the last. I just want you to-"
"Lily!" Mira said moving closer to the girl . "I'll be just fine don't worry. Trust me I can handle chaos, no matter the amount of it" she smiled at the red head."Okay, okay" Lily smiled back. "Now let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving"
Mira could still not understand how they remember all those turns and steps. The Great Hall , even if it wasn't ten minutes away from the Gryffindor common , still felt like going through a maze. They were all those moving staircases too, with trick steps and all. They made Mira dizzy and confused. Thankfully Lily was there to help her through every step. Literally. When they reached the great Hall Mira couldn't help but stare at it in awe. It seamed to happen quite often. It was huge, filled with students and smelled like a dream, with all the foods that stood on the tables. Without a word Mira followed Lily to one of the huge wooden tables , which she assumed was the Gryffindor one, and took a sit next to her opposite Marlene and Mary.
"Where's Alice?" Lily asked, taking a piece of toast in her hands.
"With Frank" Mary replied motioning to a few seats next to them with her head.The four girls sat in silence eating their breakfast, occasionally giving an awkward smile to Mira's direction. She tried not to think much of it. They had met only two hours ago, she didn't expect them to be their normal selves around her immediately.
A little while later she felt someone taking the empty seat on her left before taking a plate and filling it with food.
"Good Morning girls!" he greeted cheerfully , buttering his toast.
"How can you have so much energy at this hour?" Marlene asked moodily before throwing a blueberry at the boy. Mira didn't dare move her head to look who was next to her. She was afraid she would act just like she did with Lily that morning and McGonagall wasn't around to bring her back to reality. So she stayed quite, sipping her apple juice, her eyes diverted right to the wooden table.
"I just learned we will have a guest at my house this summer. At least for a month, so I'll have some company while the idiots are on vacation" he replied casually.
"Weren't we company enough?" Lily asked almost offended.
"Oh you are, but nothing compares to getting to know someone who time traveled from a different dimension" he replied casually before taking a seep of his black coffee. Everyone looked confused. Mira heard Marlene whisper to Mary something about 'smoking' and 'got to his head'. Even Mira was confused but not for the same reasons as the others. Why was he so calm about it?"Hello Mira" he turned his head to look at her with eyes narrowed and a stupid smile plastered on his face.
"Hello Remus" Mira finally turned her head giving him an innocent smile in return.
"Ooh this is going to be an interesting summer" he stated before turning to his food, making Mira do the same.Lily, Marlene and Mary looked at them as if they were aliens. They didn't know if they should have hexed them or called for help, because surely something was wrong with them. Perhaps it was another one of the boys pranks and Mira somehow knew them. No theory made sense. Thankfully McGonagall passed by before anyone could ask any questions .
"All questions will be answered. Now eat your breakfast" she said without looking at them. Everyone, now had gotten back to eating. Mira was getting more and more comfortable in the silence that was created . But it didn't last long. The doors to the Great Hall dramatically opened and closed with a bang , making Remus sigh without looking up at all. Mira hadn't either.
"Good morning my lovely flower" a voice said behind Lily, giving her hair a kiss before sitting next to her . "I'm sorry I was so late to breakfast but... I had... things to do" he said hesitantly looking more and more unsure of what to say.
'Yeah, Lils . He had to make his hair perfect" another voice said and two other boys emerged taking a seat next to Mary and Marlene."Well at least now it looks perfect"
"If a birds nest was the goal" Mira said under her breath, looking at her now empty cup of apple juice, making Remus chuckle next to her. He was the only one who had heard."Excuse me what did you say?"
"And who are you?""No one"
"Everyone is someone""Well I'm not"
Silence fell .The boy maintained eye contact with Mira while everyone else was looking intensely between the two, waiting for one of them to speak.
"Eat you breakfast, it'll get cold" Mira finally said before getting up from her seat and walking to the staff table.
"Oh this summer will be amazing indeed." Remus smiled into his coffee while everyone else laughed at James' confused face.

You Only Live Once
FanficEveryone knows that they only get to live once. Miranda Rose Aisling was certain that the life she would get to live would be miserable. But on the night of her 16th birthday everything changes. A story we've heard before. Or is it? "I'm not from he...