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Lily was nine  months pregnant, ready to pop little Harry out at any moment , Sirius and Remus had decided to find their own flat and live together despite the circumstances, Mia and Monty had bought a house at Godric's Hollow for James and Lily and they had moved in to start their life as future parents and Mira-
Mira was left alone. Not entirely alone since she had Monty and Mia to keep her company but they had reached their late sixties so hanging out with a teenager all day wasn't possible. They woke up at six and went to sleep at nine while Mira woke up at eleven and went back to bed at three in the morning. She didn't have much to do so she often cleaned the house the muggle way, or baked the muggle way , or gardened the muggle way not only because she couldn't do it the magic way but because it kept her longer occupied.
Another thing that kept her occupied was a baby ,Sirius had found in an abandoned house during one of his missions. He didn't know what to do with it so he left it to the care of the best mother he knew. Euphimia Potter. Mira loved babies though. So she took full responsibility and did everything a mother did. She couldn't have been more grateful to that beautiful girl for keeping her company and giving her a purpose. She had decided to call her Melody since they didn't know her real name and she didn't want her to be nameless. Baby Melody was no more than two months old.
Everyone visited her and she visited them but with the dangers that awaited them out there , they couldn't see each other as much as they wanted. So when Remus sent her a letter saying that him, Sirius and Peter would  go to Potter Manor for a two night long sleepover she became quite suspicious. So since the moment they arrived she eyed them up and down, preparing herself to hear the worst. She knew the timeline but most of all not exact dates, so anything could come out of the blue.
"Where's Pete?" She decided to ask while they were all having dinner that night. She had noticed his absence but hadn't said a word about it because she wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was just late .
"He's mother's sick again." Remus replied before taking a bite of the food Mira and Mia had made.
"Poor woman" Mia commented with a sad expression "She's been sick quite a lot recently. Peter has had to lose a ton of Order meetings because of it"
Peter had become a death eater after all. And Mira was sure that the reason that he hadn't shown up that day wasn't because of a death eater meeting but because he knew that she knew and he wouldn't be able to look her in the eyes. Good thing was, Mira could take her measures against the cruelty that he would show his friends.
That's when Mira noticed Sirius giving Remus a pointed look to which Remus replied with a kick under the table. Mia and Monty seemed to notice too but they didn't even bat an eye, instead they shared a look of their own.
"You're not going" Mira stated , focusing right back at her food, not wanting to hear anyone's objection.
"You're not going, Remus. End of discussion"
"Dumbledore needs me to-"
"Screw Dumbledore , Rem. He doesn't know what he's doing anyway"
"Ro, there's a war going on in case you haven't noticed. We need as many people by our side as possible"
"I have noticed! Believe me ,I have!"
"Great! Then you understand why I have to"
"It's a suicide mission"
"I'm a werewolf too-"
"You're not like them"
"Oh, but I am"
"Believe me, no good will come of it"
"I know you're scared and worried and grieving but there are some things that are unavoidable"
"This one isn't one of those things, Rem"
"You're not supposed to interfere, Ro"
"Oh, fuck that!"
"It's . Not. Going. To. Help"
"I beg to differ"
"They'll hurt you! They have already taken his side! You'll achieve nothing!" The tones had risen up and yet the table fell silent at that statement. It was information they didn't know but they didn't have to know as well. Messing with the fabric of time was dangerous after all, they had warned Mira a million times over. Remus gulped and put his utensils down very calmly before looking right back up at Mira.
"I wasn't supposed to know that so I'm still going. No matter the outcome"
"Why won't just listen to me for once , Mark?" Mira bellowed in frustration, standing up and slamming her hands at the table , tears threatening to fall from her eyes. As everyone's eyes looked at her in pity and she tried to calm herself down with some deep breaths her eyes opened wide. She had realised what she had just said.
"I'm not Mark, Rosie"
Before anyone could say anything else , a blue light got inside the kitchen . James' patronous.
"Lily's having the baby! Come quick!"
And just like that the previous conversation was put to the self and everyone rushed to get their coats, grab baby Melody and apparate to Godric's Hollow. Mira couldn't fathom the fact that it had slipped her mind. It was the night of July 30th only two hours before July 31st. Harry's birthday.


Three hours later Harry James Potter was born and many people that would love him entirely were there, waiting anxiously to finally meet him. Mia and Monty went in first to greet their grandbaby and soon after followed Mira and Sirius as godparents.
"Do you want to hold him?" Lily asked softly, smiling at the tiny baby in her arms. Mira nodded eagerly, making everyone laugh. Once baby Harry was put in her arms she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of love. How could someone so innocent one day go through so much. Her eyes started watering but she let them. James cradled Lily's head and kissed her forehead sweetly telling her how amazing she is , while Sirius admired his godson, thinking of all the ways he could spoil him.
"He's perfect" Mira whispered, a wide smile spread on her face. That's when she made a promise . She would protect that baby no matter what. The fabric of time held nothing in front of the stolen childhood of an innocent baby. "He's gonna be the most spoiled child in the world" she stated , making everyone laugh.

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