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It had been six months since Mira had seen Regulus and Evan and a moment hadn't gone by without her worrying for them. There was no mention of their names anywhere , not even that they're missing, but no news was good news at the time of war. She was trying to do anything so she would distract herself. She even took knitting lessons for Mia , who was super excited that someone else showed interest in one of her hobbies. Thankfully there past six months there was something else in the world. Something that would take up a lot of her time . Lily and James' wedding preparations. Her, Lily and Marlene were together practically every day visiting shop after shop, trying to make the wedding perfect. What James was trusted with, much to everyone's surprise, was to find the perfect wedding venue and he took his job very seriously. He made drawings, took notes and presented every last venue he'd visited to the whole family. It was  entertaining to say the least. Everything was decided and ready for the wedding just in time for the wedding. Despite everything being perfect there was one thing both Lily and James found hard to decide . Lily's maid of honor and James' best man.
It was now December 10th , just a week before the wedding and the final decision wasn't made yet. Mira wasn't even aware of it until one night when her, Lily, James,Mia and Monty were in the kitchen baking goods for the whole neighborhood.
"What do you mean you haven't decided yet?" Mira bellowed , her eyes wide , punching the dough.
"Just because you know everything that will happen doesn't mean everyone else does as well , Ro" James replied , dusting some flour off of his shirt.
"Lils, you're the sensible one" James glared at her at that "There's only a week left"
"I know I know" Lily sighed , flopping herself on one of the kitchen chairs with an exasperated sigh. James immediately rushed to her side and caressed her shoulders, trying to calm her nerves.
"I mean the answer is right there if you ask me" Mira shrugged before she continued to pay attention to the dough. James and Lily looked at each other both thinking the same thing. Maybe someone else giving them the answer was the right call.
"Go on then"
"Maid of honor:Marls, best man:Rem, Harry's future godfather :Sirius and Peter-" she said casually, her eyes never leaving the dough. That's why she failed to notice the looks Mia, Monty , James and Lily gave each other at her her words. When no one gave her an answer and she felt the room being a lot quieter than normal she decided to look up , only to find everyone looking at her like they were seeing Jesus.
"We're gonna have a child?" James asked in a quiet voice.
"And we're  going to name him Harry?" Lily followed, with tears in her eyes.
Mira looked between all of them with her lips pursed in a thin line. She had talked too much once again. For a while she wondered if telling them yes would be the wise answer. If messing up with time once more would be the right call. While she was contemplating a thought came rushing to her. It was already December 1979, which meant-
"Lils...go take a pregnancy test"


"So Lily's pregnant" James  said walking into Mira's room and closing the door behind him.
"Duh" she simply replied her eyes glued to the book she was reading. Honestly she was quite relived that things were going the way they were supposed to , at least up to that point. She felt the right side of her bed sink and she looked up from her book just to see James looking out the window to nothing in particular. "You're gonna become a dad ,Jamie, you're marrying the girl of your dreams. Aren't you excited?" She asked, a smile adoring her face , her right hand going up to his shoulder.
"Promise me it'll be fine , Ro" was a response she wasn't exactly expecting. She had to admit it was understandable. The war was an event she knew everything about but James didn't . Having a kid and a wife during a war must be terrifying. And everything wouldn't be fine , especially for James and Lily. Everything wouldn't be fine if she wasn't there.
"It will be fine" she promised and she meant it . She was glad she did . Even after six months of no news from her friends she still had hope that everything would go as planned.
"Now" James turned to look at her, bringing his hands together. "We took your suggestions into consideration and we agree. Just one question" Mira raised her eyebrows before his slowly nodded her head. "Where do you come in the picture?"
"Me?" Mira asked startled at the question.
"Yes, you. You mentioned everyone but yourself. It's either the most selfless thing you've ever said or you really didn't think we would want you to be a part of it all"
"Oh I- make me the flower girl or something I don't- I don't mind" she replied avoiding any type of eye contact.
"Ro..."James tilted his head and looked at her through his glasses.
"I my mind I'm not part of the story. Not part of your story" she admitted , making James frown.
"You have no idea how big of a part you play in our story. It's yours now too, remember? You're family , Ro" James told her and while he always said things like that it hadn't hit her this way before. He was right, they were her family too, and they would be for the rest of her life there because she had decided to stay. She would be there to see everything play out. She hoped to see everything play out differently than she knew , though.
"We decided to make Sirius and you the godparents of our child" James announced , making Mira gasp and pull her hands up to her mouth. James laughed at her reaction.
"You're serious?"
"Technically I'm -"
"Shut up!" She exclaimed before wrapping her hands around him bringing him in for a tight hug.
"I'm so happy! Than you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed from excitement. She then proceeded to take James' hand and drag him down to the living room where Lily was sitting with Mia and Monty, looking through James' baby stuff. Mira rushed to her best friend  and hugged her impossibly tight from behind , kissing her hair and whispering a 'thank you' in her ear.
"I love you, Rosie"
"I love you too, Lils"
"You're definitely becoming the flower girl by the way" James stated , sitting next to Lily and giving her a kiss.
"It would be my honor"
Flower to James and Lily's wedding and future godmother of none other that Harry Potter. She could think of worse fates.

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