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 The kids had bid their parents farewell and were now on a hunt to find a compartment. Lily as Head Girl and James as Head Boy had to find their friends later, as they needed to gather the prefects so they would talk to them about their responsibilities and their patrol schedules. Once they had found a compartment Mira excused herself, as she needed to use the bathroom. Marlene offered to take her but she thought it best to go alone, so she could explore on her way there and back .Once she was out of the bathroom, she found a group of students talking in the middle of the train's corridor , making it impossible for her to head through.

"Excuse me" she said in a low voice. Evey head turned to look at her, making her heart run faster than ever. She should have just waited until they were done.

"Do I know you?" one of them asked.

"Actually, no. I'm new" she replied briefly, pursing her lips.

"New? Well that's...something isn't it?" his tone wasn't inviting or cheerful. It contained some kind of mockery, which Mira didn't much appreciate but didn't comment on.

"Be nice, Nott. The poor girl looks terrified"another one of them said. Nott .But of course. Who else would have so much hate in their voice talking to someone they didn't even know. "What's your name?"

"Mira what?"

"Mira Potter" Everyone fell silent, until one of them laughed, making everyone else do the same.

"Oh for Merlin's sake you guys are vulgar. Leave the poor girl alone" one of the girls scolded them, making her way closer to Mira. "I'm Pandora, it's very nice to meet you. What year are you going to be in?" Pandora . Luna's mum. And if Pandora was there that meant-

"Sixth" Mira, probably should have run, cut the conversation short. But the girl was so kind and she didn't want to disappoint her.

"Oooh just like us" the blonde girl smiled widely "Maybe we can be friends, being around those four every day the past five years has been hell"

"There's also Alecto" the one in the far end sniggered, earning himself a glare from Pandora.

"Oh yes, how could I forget" she replied rolling her eyes.

"She's a Potter Dory. Probably gonna be a Gryffindor like her... what's James to you anyway?"

"A cousin"


"Oh no matter, we can be friends anyway!" she smiled once again, taking Mira's hand in hers. The brunette couldn't help but giggle at the other girl's behavior. Perhaps they could be friends. "Okay you're coming with me "Pandora announced taking her hand in hers, guiding her away from her other friends.

"See you around Potter" Nott gave her wink, to which she just shook her head.

"She's a Potter, Nott"

"There's no harm in having a little fun"


Mira didn't know how much time had passed by. Conversation with Pandora was easy and Mira loved the idea of making new friends. The blonde had ideas and opinions about everything and anything. She made Mira laugh constantly and she took up most of the talking. Mira liked that,being a listener was her thing, she didn't much enjoy talking.

The compartment door opened with force, revealing a very angry James with Lily behind him.

"Where have you been, cousin?" his eyes were wide and his tone was harsh.

"Here" Mira simply replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, right. Of course. Didn't think of letting us know did you? Remus' worried sick" James said in a scolding manner. He almost looked comical.

"Alright James, I'm sorry I lost track of time" Mira genuinely apologized.

"That won't do it. You stand up and go apologize to Remus"

"You're cousin's weird" Pandora whispered in her ear. Mira just sighed.

"See you at the sorting Mira"


They had put her in a corner of the compartment while they each took turns to scold her, as if she was a little child. They were acting all crazy, telling her that hanging out with a Slytherin would just get her in trouble. Sirius had gone as far as to say that she probably in kahoots with them by now and was planning to destroy them somehow. Nobody paid any mind to him as always, it seemed to become a trend.

"Who else did you talk to?" Marlene asked, when Mira revealed that it wasn't Pandora who approached her.

"Well I can't be completely sure who they were but...i think Nott, Rosier, Crouch're brother Sirius."

"Oh perfect! You're besties already!"

"Can you quit with the dramatics? I' not gonna be put in Slytherin!"
"And what makes you so sure?"
"I'm just not Slytherin material"

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