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December 23rd 1997
Platform 9 3/4 was filled with chatter of excited parents there to collect their children. One bunch in particular stood out most of all. Mira, Regulus, Lily, James, Remus, Sirius, Pandora, Xenophilious , the Weasleys and Evan were all there, waiting for their children and godchildren to arrive , just like they had the past seven years.
This year would be the last time they would collect Harry, Melody,Ron and Hermione for Christmas break as it was their last year at Hogwarts.
When Harry and Melody had invited Hermione and Ron over the summer after their  first year at Hogwarts, Mira couldn't have been more excited that this played out exactly as it should have .
Meanwhile the Triwizard Tournament had happened, Harry wasn't selected as champion, Cedric wasn't dead and much to Regulus' dismay, the biggest concern that surfaced was what his daughters would wear at the Yule Ball and who they would go with.
The train came into view and the parents approached the railing even more. When it came to a stop, Mira couldn't hide the big smile that was forming on her face.
"You saw them all two weeks ago, Mira" Evan said, rolling his eyes. She had been like that the past seven years , she couldn't even sleep the night before from all the excitement she was feeling.
"They're my babies, Ev" Mira stated, not even turning her eyes away from the train.
"Melody is an adult , no longer a baby. As for the twins , they're sixteen"
"They'll always be my babies"
"Reg" Evan turned to Regulus to back him up.
"You heard her, Evan. They're her babies" he kissed her cheek sweetly and she smiled at him, before narrowing her eyes at Evan.
Students had began to wonder around, trying  to find their parents in the chaos that was created. James quickly spotted Luna with his daughter Miranda and Sirius and Remus' son, James. Not long after the twins , Marcus and Nova showed up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Mira rushed to her children, Regulus following her with a smile on his face. She truly had managed to make him fall in love with her even more through the years.
"My babies!" Mira exclaimed, going in to hug both of them at once, smothering the with kisses.
"Hi, mom" they both said in unison with a laugh. They had gotten used to their mother's attacks of affection so it didn't bother them.They actually liked it a lot even if they wouldn't admit it.
"Has it been a good year?"
"It definitely had been one for Marcus" Harry said with a smirk, breaking away from his mother's hug. Marcus simply glared at Harry , making him laugh. Mira and Regulus shared a look , fond smiles on their faces. They had the next two weeks to talk about anything that had happened with their son. And even if he wouldn't tell them, his twin sister sure would.
They all took turns to hug every last kid. By the time they were done most of the platform had emptied out. "Where's Mel?"Mira asked Hermione when she pulled away from the hug. Melody and Hermione had become best friends since the moment they met on the train in their first year at Hogwarts. They had been inseparable ever since, despite their different houses. When she looked at them, she was reminded of her and Lily and it truly warmed her heart.
"Uum, Ro" James poked her arm, before Hermione managed to say anything. Mira turned to see what made James so lost that she had to see it as well.
"Oh" It had been so long and so much had happened, but as she looked at her daughter talking to a boy her age she couldn't help but feel her breath hitch. It was like she was in a dream , watching another reality play out. Melody had always been told that she looked exactly like her mother, despite the odds, so what Mira and everyone around her saw that made their jaws drop wasn't Melody, but a young Mira with-
"You've got to be kidding me" Remus said, astonished. "Is that who I think it is?"
"A spitting image of his father" Mira muttered, not able to take her eyes off of them. She was seeing herself and Theo right in front of her eyes, like a day hadn't passed. But it had and Theo had been gone for a very long time. Melody kissed the boy goodbye and walked towards her family, who was still following her every move with shock written all over their faces.
"I know all you still see me as a little girl but I'm not. I'm allowed to have a boyfriend" Melody said in a stern tone when she was close enough for her family to hear. "Hi mom" she said in a much softer tone, hugging a still speechless Mira tightly.
"Hi sweetheart"
"Nott's your boyfriend?" Regulus asked and his eyes looked like her had seen a ghost. He was terrified to hear the answer to his question.
"Hello to you , too, dad" Melody laughed at her father's expression. Regulus had always been weird about his daughters'  dating lives but at this point it wasn't the fact that she had a boyfriend that bothered him. "Wait!" She pulled back from the hug with her father a surprised look on her face. "How do you know his name?"
"Why don't we go now, love? Your mom has made your favourite" Sirius chipped in, trying to save them from answering the question. He draped his arm over her shoulders and drugged her away, everyone else following them , leaving Mira and Regulus behind.
As soon as they were alone Mira pulled Regulus by the collar and kissed him hard , urgently.
"I really needed to do that"
"I think I needed you to do that"
"I love you"
"I love you, more"
"Oh, yeah?"
"Can you two lovebirds quit it and move along? We're all famished!" Evan shouted angrily .
"Didn't he eat an hour ago?"
"Almost our whole fridge"

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