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"What are you doing out here , kiddo?"
Everyone had arrived for the holidays and the house was packed just like Mira had hoped. There were people there she didn't even know and they were all doing a great job at keeping her busy. After two hours of her answering millions of questions about where she comes from , by curious Order members, and not having the time to talk to any of her friends because of them ,she decided to go outside. Not too far away from the house but far enough for her to avoid anyone , hang a swing , tied on the tallest tree of the yard . That's exactly where Monty found her twenty minutes later when Mia had noticed her little girl was missing and had instructed her husband to go find her .
"It's freezing" Monty claimed , walking closer to the younger girl.
"The cold is good for my skin. I'm not going to be young forever you know" Mira decided to joke , turning around and lightly squeezing his cheek.
"Want me to push you?" he asked with a smile.
"Oh no, you don't need to" she replied , waving her hand dismissively ,turning around and giving   her attention back to the nigh sky.
"Your dad isn't around to do it for you therefore I must" Mira just laughed at his statement. God bless him, he had such a pure soul and his intention was nothing but heart warming. But he didn't know.
"My dad never had time for that anyway , Monty. So don't worry I'm not missing anything here"
The older man had seen too much in his life , heard too much and suffered some more. But what troubled him even to his old days was how could a parent not love their child. He had seen it happen with Sirius and had hoped it was something he would never come across again. He loved James with all his heart, he would die for his child and he would definitely give anything to have even more children . But that wish of his was never granted. That's when it hit him.
"You know you can have epiphanies even at my age" he stated before taking each of Mira's hands and placing them on the chains of the swing. "Having three kids is easier than they say. I mean you and the other two idiots aren't so hard to handle...most of the time" he went on , pushing Mira so the swing moved back and forth. "I promise we'll do everything you've missed out on. Just make me a list. We'll drag the boys everywhere too if you want to."
"Monty..." Mira started but she was enjoying her time on the swing a little too much to continue , a smile plastered on her face as he pushed her higher and higher.
"We're a family now,kid. You're stuck with us I'm afraid"  by then Mira was so high up that she couldn't hold her laughter back. She was having the time of her life , Monty's words half registering in her mind. After  a while he just stood behind her , loving to hear her laugh. That little girl had been in their life for a little over a year and he hadn't once heard her laugh so much . She had gone through things no teenager should. Teenagers are supposed to have fun, be protected , not have so many worries.
As soon as Mira's feet were back on the ground she took a long breath , trying to calm down her laughter before she turned around and hugged Monty, grateful to have him in her life .
"Thank you" she mumbled softly, the smile never leaving her lips.
"Anything for my kids"
Because he might have had only one biological child , but really he was a father of three.


"And where have you been?" Remus asked, his face lighting up when he saw Mira coming back inside.
"Well that's a very vague answer"
"I was smoking"
"No you weren't"
Remus and Sirius sat next to each other holding hands under a pillow so no one would see. Mira always wondered why they did that when there people around when James and Lily were so openly affectionate. And then she had to remind herself that wizards were truly superstitious and that it was still the seventy's .
"Move aside , Cinderella" she demanded , flicking Sirius' nose making his hand leave Remus' "I need my private time with Mr Chocolat  over   here"
"Fine , fine. No need to be aggressive about it"
As soon as Sirius was up Mira practically suffocated Remus in her arms, making a squealing noise.
"Missed me much?" he laughed, hugging her back just as tight.
"What makes you say that?" she asked, her voice muffled against his shirt. She repositioned herself right next him , her head on his chest and her hands around his torso , while his were playing with her hair.
"Nice hair by the way. It suits you"
Just two days into the holidays Mira had decided she needed to make a change to her appearance. That's why she called Lily , telling her it was an emergency , and she made her take her to muggle hair salon where she bleached her hair. Mira Potter was now a blonde . And she loved it.
"Thanks , Remmy"
"But why the sudden decision?"
"I refuse to look the same as the girl he loved" she confessed after a small pause. And she did. She refused to look in the mirror and see the girl he hurt mostly. She didn't want her reflection to be someone who has gotten their heart broken just before  Christmas. She refused to feel all that ache in her heart even if she knew it was there. Time didn't allow her to grieve what she had lost no matter the promises she had made James. She needed to move on as soon as possible.
"Loved ,huh?"
"A story for another time chocolate boy. Now hug me!"
"Missed you too, Ro"

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