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Barty had arrived at the Potter household, just on time so Fleamont and Mr Crouch could apparate to number 12 Grimmauld Place. Mira thought she would feel more excited visiting the house that many of her favourites characters would live in, in the future but at that point it was the house of the Black family, and that made Mira nervous. She wasn't expecting to receive an invitation to this house in the first place , much more to attend a Christmas ball. But all her friends would be there and Fleamont made Barty promise he wouldn't leave her out of his sight. Mr Crouch and Fleamont looked at their children one last time before they disapparated back into their homes, where they would anxiously wait until it was time to collect them again. Entering the house, Mira could hear chatter coming from the living room where she was sure she could find every present and future death eater. Her skin crawled at the thought, but thankfully Regulus appeared shortly after their entrance, alongside a house-elf , she recognized as Kreacher, who took her coat.

"Are you two just gonna stand there?" he questioned as Mira and Barty stood by the door and looked around.

"Your house is creepy mate" Barty commented looking around the dimly lit hall.

"Evan's waiting by the stairs, you should go meet him" Barty didn't need to be told twice. Without a second thought he dissapeared in search of his lovely boyfriend. "And you little Potter are coming with me" Regulus announced offering his arm for her to take. She did so , with a sigh. She tried to fix her dress, her hair,, her necklace, tried to do anything to delay getting into that room.

"Stop fussing, you look...stunning"

"If someone as much as raises an eyebrow I'm out of here" she warned him with a stern look, ignoring his compliment.

"No one's going to do anything Mira. You're our guest. My friend. And besides, it's a party" he tried to comfort her but failed "Look Mira-"

"Anything the matter?" a voice sounded behind them . They didn't have to turn around to know who it was .

"Just Mira being a baby" Regulus spat angrily.

"It's called being cautious, ever heard of that dimwit?" she spat back just as angrily.

"Mira, darling. Come with me. You're going to be just fine I promise" Mira sighed once more, but this time she nodded.

"Didn't I just say- oh forget it. She's your problem now, I'm going to find Dory"

"What's gotten into him?"

"No clue" Mira shrugged. Just then a slow song started playing from the inside of the room and Theo's smile widened mischievously.

"Will you dance with me ?"

"I don't know how"

"You're a bright girl, you'll get the hung of it" and just like that he took her hand and guided her inside the room. As soon as they got inside all eyes turned on them, including the ones of their friends, who had gathered in a corner chatting casually. Mira felt her breath getting heavier with each step she took closer to the dance floor. She was going to make a fool of herself in front of so many people, in front of her friends, so she slightly pulled Theo's hand before he could drag them any further. Theo just squeezed her hand lightly and gave her a smile which, at the time, was enough to convince her. And he was right, as the song went by and he subtly showed her the steps she had quickly gotten the hang of it and after a while she rather enjoyed herself.

"Are those your parents over there, by that table?" she asked when she spotted two figures watching at the two of them dancing intensely.

"Yes" he replied shortly, before he twirled her around. By that time his parents must have understood that they had spotted them, because they smiled at her, a smile that sent chills down her spine. "You know what, let's go out in the garden, where it is more private" Theo stated, pulling them away from the dance floor and to the far end of the house where the back yard was.. Once they were outside he took a deep breath and sat down on the grass, his eyes closed. Mira stood behind him, still standing, just watching his every move. Theo confused Mira more than anyone else ever had. He danced with her when everyone could see and suddenly he wanted privacy. He said he wanted to spent as much time with her as he could, but they were sneaking out before anyone else was awake just to talk and steal a kiss or two from the other. "I never told you how beautiful you look tonight" he breathed out, in a tone so low Mira was barely able to hear him. "Come here baby" he said when Mira didn't reply to his compliment. She slowly walked towards the grass and sat next to him, without sparing him a glance. Although from the corner of her eye she could see he had his face buried in his hands . After a while Mira found herself just looking at him once more. She hadn't realised how tired he looked when they were dancing, her mind too focused on getting the steps right. She hadn't noticed his bruised knuckles. She hadn't noticed his-"

"Your eye" that was the first sentence that left her mouth. "It's swollen" she noted.

"It's...fine. I'm fine" he replied looking away from her.

"And your knuckles? That's fine too I suppose" she spat angrily but he still wouldn't look at her ."And that mark on your forearm? Did it happen by accident?"

"Mira I-"

"I don't give a shit about the bloody mark Theo! What I do care about is you, if you're alright!" she wasn't angry, not at that moment, but she was worried. She knew he would get the mark sooner or later, she knew who he was way before he knew of her, that wasn't something she could change.

"Who did this to you?" she asked, this time in a softer tone, taking his face in her hands.

"My dad" he replied in a whisper. "I don't like scars Mira. Especially when they come from my family. They make me feel weak and pathetic" he confessed , looking into her eyes. Hearing him say those words broke her heart. She didn't like scars as well, she understood where he was coming from entirely.

"See that?" she asked, tagging slightly on her dress so a scar just a little under her collarbone could be seen. "Christmas ,when I was 10. My dad got a bit out of control, ruined the whole thing really" she said looking down.

"That looks like it's from a -"

"Knife, yeah it is. And it's not the only one I have, it's just the worst one"


"Point is" she interrupted him taking a hold of his hands. "Those scars only show what I survived, not matter how much I dislike them. You're not your family's property Theo. You're always gonna be you , despite the amount of scars you have. You're not weak, not at all" a tear streamed down her face, a tear Theo quickly wiped away before resting his palm on her cheek.

"Look at you. Your family's messed up too and bring so much light into everyone's life Mira, so much joy into-" and he kissed her. It was unexpected but she welcomed the familiar feeling of his lips on hers immediately. The air outside was cold and yet Mira never felt more warm in her life. Because Theo was right about one thing. No matter how bad things got, light would find its way into your life. Even in the most unexpected of ways.

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