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"What is it, Mira?" Pandora asked , her voice full of concern, getting closer to her friend as if when she got next to her she would know what was wrong.
"I..." Mira began but then her eyes moved to Evan. He looked just as concerned as Pandora and yet there was a difference. She could actually tell Evan what was wrong. The truth about what had happened and how it came to be. But Pandora didn't know and she intended to keep things that way. It was the only way she would remain safe. As safe as one could be in the middle of a war. "I missed you" she said instead , hugging her friend tightly. Her eyes travelled to Evan once again and she mouthed the word 'later' . He nodded before he disappeared back up the stairs , leaving the two girls alone.
"I know I haven't been around much and...I'm sorry for that" Pandora said , getting Mira's attention and making her pull back from their hug.
"Don't apologise. Please don't" Mira pleaded. As much as she hated to admit it Pandora not being around was convenient. They didn't have to lie and keep things from her at all times. And Mira felt less guilty about hiding who she was and what she was doing from her.
"I'll make sure from now I set some time aside for you. I'm sorry I got caught up in all...these" she gestured at the couches where her Ravenclaw friends and Xenophilious were sitting. Mira just chuckled. There were times she ,also, left Pandora behind to go to the Gryffindor common room to see her friends.
"Perhaps set some time aside for someone else as well" Mira suggested , sprinting her eyes at her friend so she would understand. She knew not having Pandora around would put Regulus in a mood. They were best friends after all. She didn't like it when Remus or Lily were around and didn't spent time with her , not that it happened . So she understood how Regulus must have felt.
"Now...tell me everything"


"Mira" Evan called her name , making her stop her giggling at something Pandora had said and look at him . "It's getting late. We should go"
"Right" she turned back to her girl friend before sighing heavily. "I have an idea. Why don't you come with us today? Spend some time with Reg"  Mira suggested , hoping that it would both lift Regulus' spirits up and that she would get the time to talk to Evan about what had happened.
"What about you?"
"What am I? Chopped liver?" Evan asked with a roll of his eyes. Pandora considered Mira's proposal for a while , looking around the Ravenclaw common room before she eagerly nodded her head. The three Slyrherins made their way to the dungeons where they parted ways with Pandora. Evan and Mira continued to aimlessly walk through the corridors, keeping an eye out for Mr Filch or his cat .
"So what is it?" Evan asked out of the blue when they were far enough from the entrance to the Slytherin common room .Mira looked at him confused trying to understand what he was referring to. " You said you'd tell me later" he reminded her.
"Oh" her time with Pandora had really made her forget all about what had happened that day. The Horcruxes , Theo killing someone, her almost kiss with Regulus. "So you know...After you left to go see, Alfie, was it?"
"Alfie is so three days ago. The Ravenclaw's name is Charlie"
"Umm we're talking about that another time. Yes well when you left to go meet Charlie , as you know I stayed behind to help Reg with his wound and as we were sitting in the couch we started a conversation about break ups and why they are so hard most of the time and then the conversation changed direction and we almost kissed but then Theo came down the stairs and stormed out saying that it was the last thing he wanted to see and then I run after him and we ended up in the boys' bathroom on the second floor where he told me that he made him kill someone and not just any someone-" Evan had stopped walking just a few steps behind her , his mouth agape with everything the blonde was telling him.  "Do you want to be any more speechless?"
"Not sure I can take it"
"The name of the woman he killed is Rose Aisling." Evan's eyes widened even more than before and he took the few steps that separated them so he stood right in front of her . "My grandmother"


Pandora took slow steps when she entered the common room , looking all around her. She hadn't  been there for quite a while . It didn't take her long to spot Regulus on the couch in front of the fireplace , his head resting on his hands. He didn't look well at all. At that moment she couldn't help but feel guilty. Her best friend wasn't okay and she hadn't the faintest idea about what it could possibly be about.She took the seat next to him on the couch and sighed deeply, making her presence known.
"I almost kissed her, Dory" he blurted out, not lifting his head to look at her. Pandora's presence was exactly what he needed even if he knew she wouldn't  stay for long. "I finally found the courage to do something about what I feel and bloody Nott ruined it for me . I mean let us be real here always did." He scoffed , slightly shaking his head before finally lifting it up to look at his best friend. "It's honestly pathetic. I'm pathetic"
Pandora just stared at her friend , trying to find the best way to respond. She had known that Regulus had a thing for Mira since the moment they met. She couldn't blame him of course. Who wouldn't? But Regulus never spoke much of it . He would glare at Theo, look at Mira like she's the only person in the room and mutter an 'I'm pathetic' under his breath every now and then but he wouldn't go into detail about what he was feeling. Pandora didn't know how much he really liked Mira until the day they had found the boys arguing and while Mira never asked around for the reason why , she did. Turns out Regulus accidentally told Evan that Mira was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Theo heard it as well , making it a whole scene ,accusing Regulus that he actually wanted her and was trying to make him look like a foul so she would leave him. To which Regulus replied 'what if I am?'and then all hell broke loose. That night was also the first time Regulus actually told Pandora that he liked Mira and that he always thought Theo could never be the right guy for her .It , honestly, surprised Pandora that Mira never was curious enough to ask what had happened that day. Because she was curious herself to find out what they would tell her.
"Cut her some slack ,Reg. They were in love .That doesn't go away easily."
"You think they were in love?"
"They certainly loved each other. Now all you have to do is give her some time. You know how I feel about the two of you. You would be great together. You just have to wait. If your heart can take it of course"
"Sure" Regulus chuckled , giving his best friend a much awaited hug. " What's a little longer?"

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